Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Workouts: 1/28, 1/29, 1/30, 1/31

1/28  At Kern Center. Mike, Brad and Briel worked together. Kasey rolled an ankle on single leg box hops. 4-step power hurdles (up to 33 for Briel and 36 for Brad and Mike). Worked on starts and then reps over 1-2-3H. Mike and Brad worked at 36, Briel at 33/30. Brad made some good improvements with lead and trail leg. Mike was quick all night and running pain free. Briel improved knee drive but still needs to work the oppo trail leg better. Overall, her 4-stepping is much more balanced.

1/29  At Kern Center. Mike, Carson, Brad, Lucky and Alex jumped. Men started with 2-, 4- and 6-step approaches going vertical and hitting their head on a bungee bar about 8.5 feet off ground. Took 9-12 full approach jumps. Mike and Carson jumped in 5-7 to 5-10 range. Brad and Lucky around 5-4. Lucky somehow got an unlucky cut under his eye from his own hand upon landing. Other than that, everyone was jumping well, and Alex cleared 4-0 for the first time and made considerable improvement in her technique. Carson did some auxiliary work in the form of rim jumps, single leg box jumps and gym ball arches. Marks: Brad 13/26-6/55; Carson 13/30/56-6; Mike 13/26/53; Lucky 13/26/60; Alex 7/24/47; Kasey 8/24-6/48.

1/30  At Kern Center. Joe and Jon lifted 2x5x270 and 310, respectively, with 2x5 L+R single leg box hops and 2x10 elevated pushups. 3x4 5-step elevator hurdles (33 to 42). A couple block starts and then warm up reps over 1H and 2H. 3x2H side-by-side starts (42 -1). 2x4H (42 -1). Joe did a few more reps over H1 at 36 to work on lead leg mechanics. Jon had a solid night again, running consistent splits in mid-1.2s. Joe was a little less consistent but had some splits around 1.2. Starts looked good for both. Core work and foam rolling ended the workout. 

1/31  At Kern Center. Kasey worked 8/4 pattern. Nate also worked some hurdles. Jon and Joe did some race pace prep work for 600. Kept things light. Most of group did sprint workout. 

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