Saturday, February 2, 2013

Parkside: Men win; many strong performances

2/2  At Parkside. Good win for the men, edging Parkside by 5 points for team title in a meet featuring 7 NAC teams. Joe improved on his #2 all-time mark in the 55H with his PR 8.33/8.13, which was good for 4th. Mike and Carson both jumped 6-0.75 for 3rd and 4th, respectively. Jon posted an 8.75 55H, missing the final by a tenth. In the women's 55H, Kasey made the final and placed 7th, running 10.36/10.53 (#6 all time). She also jumped 4-3.25 (#10 all time). While Alex no-heighted, she had some better jumps today, opening at 4-2. We also had some good performances outside our group's events: Logan ran 7.17 in 55 and 38.99 in 300 (7th); Andrew ran 55 in 6.87 and 200 in 24.01; Mike ran 40.35 in 300 (8th); Carson 300 (42.24); Kasey 300 (52.43 - 8th); Alex 300 (58.83); Nate 300 (45.65) 600 (1:57.36); Jon 600 (1:34.37); Joe 600 (1:28.42 - 7th). Athlete of the meet: Carson for improving more than 4 inches in HJ from previous week.

Complete results

Alex continues to improve. Plant angle is good, and she's getting more vertical and better rotation. Still tilting head back, not as much as before, but it's still causing problems on take off that carryover into clearance. Hard to drive upward while leaning backward.

Kasey is locked in on the bar here and bending toward bar before takeoff foot leaves ground. Need to complete that upward drive and rotation before starting to arch. Plant angle also is lost -- need to keep that toe pointing to back corner. Arm and knee drive are good. Just need to keep the upper body upright on takeoff.
This is Kasey's entry step into H1. Back on heel and hips well behind the takeoff foot. Probably overstriding to get closer to hurdle. Need to stay up on ball of foot (and off the heel) and get the hips over that foot. At this point, the knees should be fairly close together. Tough to push into the hurdle with much speed from this position.

This view of Kasey shows where she is focused on how the head is leading her into that bend shown in the still photo above.

Kasey in prelims. Could be up more on ball of foot on each step but positions on top and off hurdle are good.

Carson does lots of things well. Stays on his curve and keeps a good plant angle, but he's lacking lean in that curve, likely because he's not pushing the speed enough at the end. Losing that lean into the curve is causing him to jump toward the bar rather than jumping more vertical. Nice arch as always.

Higher height this time. Bangs it first with arm and again is not staying away long enough at takeoff. Good rotation around bar.

Similar to Carson, Mike is diving toward bar at takeoff. Both need to be a bit more patient in driving upward to ride that drive all the way to the top. Their speed carry them across the bar. Mike could help himself with the upward drive by getting more aggressive with the arm drive upward, rather than toward the bar.

Joe's start looks good here. Not as powerful as the competitors in this final, but his position is about right. Entry also is good. Problems start as he crosses the hurdle. Lead leg hangs up -- a long time. Landing at least 2 feet more beyond the hurdle than the others (and more than he should). Lead leg knee gets high enough to clear the hurdle but then stops and hangs there rather than driving upward and to the front. Because of those actions, the arms go straight and also stop because they need to counter what the legs are doing. If he can fix this, there will be faster races ahead. Some stills below highlight some of the things mentioned here.

This frame captures the highest point the trail leg knee reaches on this hurdle. Left arm is way out to the side rather than bent and back. Also visible is how far he is traveling beyond the hurdle. Take a look at the red shoe a few lanes away.
This is the moment of touchdown off H1. This illustrates just how far Joe is traveling beyond the hurdle. He is touching down just a few feet behind the red-shoe hurdler -- who is on his next step. Because that lead leg takes so long to get down, you can see the hips well behind on landing, which is causing more braking than there should be. Again, note the arms. Not a good sprint position. Impressive that Joe is hurdling as fast as he is in spite of these major issues. Going to be great to see what happens when these issues no longer exist.

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