Sunday, January 13, 2013

Carthage: Mike sets MSOE indoor mark; Joe #2 all time

1/12  At Carthage. Mike set an indoor school record, upping Nate's previous record by a half inch at 6-4, finishing 4th. Joe jumped into the all-time 55H list at #2, running 8.20/8.25 for 4th place. Andrew entered the all-time list, too, at #6 with his 6th place finish (8.69/8.52). Jon also made the final, running 8.74/9.95 for 8th (10-stepped H1 in final). Logan ran 25.11 (21st/41) in 200. 4x4 had Logan leading off and running his opening 200 nearly as fast as his open 200 (25.4/31.9) for 57.4. Jon ran #2 and had a well-balanced 26.5/29.9 for 56.4. Andrew also managed his leg well at 26/28.7 for 54.7. Joe not only ran a well-balanced race but also a fast one, running 25/27 for 52. Great effort by everyone in that race. In 400, Nate ran 65.97. On the women's side, Kasey and Briel added their names to our top 10 list for 55H, running 10.77 (15/16) and 11.26 (16/16), respectively. Both 4-stepped. In HJ, Kasey and Alex no heighted. In 200, Kasey ran 31.60 (27/35). Athlete of the week: Mike for setting that HJ record.

Complete results

Joe ran some good times, but he can run faster ones. Four things: run a bit more upright between hurdles, get the lead leg moving down as soon as it passes the hurdle, bend the left arm and keep it closer to the body as clearing the hurdle and keep the trail leg moving (you'll see it hanging after it pulls through).

Andrew ran well, too. Getting a bit flat footed at times and the lead arm is swing across and could be more front to back, but while the lead leg could cut down more quickly, he's running off the hurdles well.

Briel is good here. For not having done any 4-stepping in her past, her oppo is doing well. Hung a trail leg on H3 and getting so close to the hurdles is causing extra air. Going forward, it's all about getting quicker to leave enough takeoff room.

Here's Mike making 6-4. Good plant and lean away from bar. Could get more out of the arms prior to take off. Good vertical and good position over the bar other than dropping head back rather than tucking chin to improve rotation around bar and lower COM.

Kasey's right arm is coming out and then swinging across her body. Plant is good but as plant is made, she's turning her right shoulder (maybe because of that arm swinging across) maybe trying to get her back to the bar before leaving the ground. Also appears to be looking right at the bar -- and if you are looking at it, you're likely to jump into it. Just as the takeoff toe leaves the ground, her legs are in good position but the upper body is bending extremely toward bar rather than going vertical. Head never drops back on clearance so the hips cannot rise. Despite all that, still might have made this jump if not having folded too soon. Better jumps ahead.

Good plant angle here, but Alex needs to have the arms back coming into the takeoff step to get more lift and better block. Instead of driving straight up, Alex is dropping her back even before leaving the ground.  Lead knee is driving up well but it's not rotating toward the opposite shoulder to get rotation needed to get perpendicular to the bar. Too hard to clear the bar sideways, so she needs to work on driving up and getting that rotation, making jumping much easier.

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