Monday, January 14, 2013

Workouts: 1/14, 1/15, 1/16

1/14  At Kern Center. Mike and Briel trained together. After warm up, hip mobility 2x5 deadlifts (Mike 240, Briel 190). 5x4H 1-step + 3H 1/2-space 3-step (2 reps oppo). 5x1H blocks. Shifted Briel from 8-step to 9-step. 3x3H (Briel ran hand-time splits in mid- to upper 1.6 range) (33). Exercises: split squats, pedals, speed squats, hip thrusts. Stretching and rolling.

1/15  At Kern Center. Mike and Carson worked first, Mike worked on arm drive and dropping the head back -- some short approach and some full. Most with low ramp. Carson tested out his sore leg, injured last week in 4x2 practice. Seemed to get through OK and had some good jump after moving mark back (12/28/56). They finished with 10x double and 5x single med ball ups. Kasey and Alex did a bunch of half-circle jumps to work on leaning away from bar into takeoff. They then took that into some 4-step ramp jumps. Ended with some full approach jumps around 4-0. Also worked on arm block to get more pop into takeoffs.

1/16  At Kern Center. Warmed up and lifted 3x330 (AB JA) and 280 (JB) with Russian box jumps and push up jax.  4x3H 5-step (39-42). 10x 4-step power hurdle (27-30-33-36), working on stepping up, getting on top of the hurdle and pushing lead leg down. Blocks: 1H-2H-3H. Got some start times (bests: AB 2.11, JB 2.23). Split times (JA 1.30, JB 1.33, AB 1.40). 3x extended starts over 2H (39-42). 3x3H up/back (39 -4 in trainers w/1 min rec). John added some more power hurdles at 36 at the end to work on lead leg cycling. During other parts of the workout, Jon worked on tightening up the trail leg, Andrew worked on maintaining lean and staying on ball of foot. Joe worked primarily lead but also had some attention on running more upright -- started getting that lead moving late in the session.

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