Saturday, January 19, 2013

Whitewater: Joe and Mike place 5th

1/19  At Whitewater. Joe improved his 60H PR (#2 all time) to 8.82/8.90, taking 5th place. His time ranks #112 in Division III. Jon also set a PR, running 9.10/9.24, making the final, finishing 7th and moving to #4 on the MSOE all-time list. Andrew missed the final by just .02, running 9.15 (#6 all time). In the women's 60H, Kasey ran 11.58 and Briel 12.69. Kasey 9-stepped H1 and Briel 5-stepped H2, so those races could have been better. In HJ, Mike had another good performance, jumping 6-2 for 5th place. Carson had a solid debut, jumping 5-8 (#9 all time), missing 8th place on a tie breaker. In the women's HJ, Kasey jumped 4-2, and Alex no-heighted 4-0, but both jumped better this week. In other events, Logan ran 60 (7.65) and 400 in 56.56 (26.5/30). Jon ran 25.01 in 200. Kasey 1:13.12 400. In the 4x4, which finished 2nd, Andrew ran 2nd leg in 53.8 (25.3/28.5), and Joe ran 3rd leg in 52.2 (24.6/27.6) as the team ran an excellent 3:28.76, which ranks #43 in Division III. Athlete of the meet: Joe for his 60H PR.

Carson drops down nicely coming into the takeoff step but loses his inward lean and takes off toward the bar. Nice work in keeping his head back and getting inverted -- and getting a lot of air over the bar -- just a touch late on kick out, barely knocking this bar off. Our other jumpers can learn a lot about rotation around the bar by watching Carson getting his heels tucked and head tilted backward.

Mike got a lot out of his lead arm on this jump and looked good on the plant and takeoff. Just need to get that head back and inverted as Carson does to gain a couple more inches at the top.

Kasey has a good line into the takeoff and a good plant but bends into the bar before leaving the ground. Also appears to be looking right at the bar the whole time. Like Mike, she's staying flat at the top instead of dropping the head  and shoulders back to get the hips to rise.

Alex is stepping out of her curve to the inside (her right), which elminated her lean into the curve and away from the bar. Then, she pushes toward the bar on her takeoff foot. Arms are moving from her right to left on takeoff rather than upward. Hips on take off are perpendicular to bar rather than 45 degrees, which makes it impossible to get the rotation needed to get perpendicular over the bar. The head is getting thrown backward before leaving the ground. The things happening over the bar aren't good, but it's primarily because of the things happening on the run up and takeoff.

Jon and Joe both have hips higher in blocks than they should be, so they're coming out with some shin angles that are robbing them of some acceleration. Joe's entry to the hurdle looks good as does the cut down. Left arm is still swinging out wide and straight. Jon's hurdle entry could be better if he holds the lead leg fold longer (lower leg is escaping a bit early) but he's bringing the trail leg through well.

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