Monday, January 21, 2013

Workouts: 1/21, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24

1/21  At Kern Center. Briel and Mike went low impact. Kasey did hurdle workout. Started with 10x power hurdle, working from 22 to 33. 3x1H, 3x2H, 3x3H up/back (-4). Worked on remaining more upright into, over and especially off the hurdles. Also did some work on keeping the arms closer to the torso. Had no problems with 8-step to H1. Made most of the 3s to H2 (-2). Ran most of the reps at 30. Brad stopped by and spent about 30 min. getting an intro to hurdling. Did some 4-step power hurdles and then worked on 8-step to H1 (-2 to -1). Brad's working to compete in decathlon. We worked some hurdles up to 36, and he did well for the first time hurdling. He will train on Mondays until we can get him up and over 42s with 3 steps.

1/22  At Kern Center. Mike, Carson and Brad jumped early. Short approach and full approach ramp jumps. Mike worked on arm position and drive. Carson worked on going vertical, not dropping the outer shoulder into bar. Mike also worked on dropping head back. Brad also worked out his approach -- 12/25/53. Lucky, Alex and Brad worked second session, did some back arches in pit, backovers off a box, jumps off a half circle run and then 4-step jumps off a box. Alex did a few jumps on a 2-stack to work her vertical.

1/23  At Kern Center. Andrew warmed up lifted 2x5x320 deadlifts with box jumps and minipushups and then did 1 set of 8 reactive hurdles (33s/36s 9' 18' spacing). Shins hurt, so he left to do a lifting workout. Joe and Jon finished out 4 more reps of reactive hurdles and then 3x3H (12-step H1, H2 and H3 regular spacing 39s). Finished with 4xH1 block starts (39). Jon worked on start position and Joe worked on getting more upright, squaring up and getting arms bent and in. Both Jon and Joe ended with some great reps. Joe had some splits around 1.15 and Jon around 1.2. Core work and foam rolling.

1/24  At Kern Center. Mike and Carson worked on tightening the J and jumping with trainers to get ready for Parkside, site of next meet and conference. Carson was 13/56-6. Mike was out 13 (I didn't get start mark). Kasey and Alex tightened the J, too, and then took many jumps, working on vertical takeoff and rotation, focus on far standard and dropping head back. Did some low bungee bar jumping after that, and both Kasey and Alex were looking much better and clearing some bars.

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