Saturday, March 31, 2012

Carroll meet: Cold but 400H go 1-2-3!

3/31  Temperature never got beyond 43 degrees. On the plus side, Jim got a win and a sub-60 performance in the 400H. Tim was not far behind in second, and Tom got a season best in his third-place finish. Nate and Joe had solid days in HJ, though it ended with a knee injury for Nate as he attempted to equal his PR. IT band got the best of Emily. Aaron was able to compete but the lack of training to protect his shins showed its effect. Jonathon had other commitments and did not compete.

Nate 6-2.75 (2nd)
Joe 5-8.75 (5th)
Mollie 18.63 (7th) NH [5-3]
Jim 59.38 (1st)
Tim 60.38 (2nd) 17.23 (4th)
Tom 63.27 (3rd)
Aaron 72.89 (6th) DQ
Carol 75.13 (5th) [8 5.7 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.9 6.9 7.4 6.9 7.1 7.3]
Emily INJ
Jonathon DNC

Complete results


Tim and Aaron...

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