Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Workouts: 3/26, 3/27, 3/28, 3/29

3/26  Tim trained highs. Did a few easy reps over 3 42s and then 2x1H (42) and 2x4H (42/39). Ran some very good splits in 1.2 to 1.25 range (-1.5 spacing). Worked mostly on knee drive into and between hurdles with good effect -- less banging and quicker entries and exits. Finished with 4x4H up/back (-3).

3/27  Nate, Jerome, Joe and Dan trained on their own with HJ -- some run-throughs, u-turns, full jumps (-4) and some box jumps.

3/28  Emily tried to train -- couldn't -- more IT and knee pain. Went for treatment. Mollie and Leah continued, doing a few easy reps over 33s, working on knee drive into, over and off hurdles. Continued to work that over 2x1 and 2x4 (33/30 -1.5). Mollie got all 3s, Leah mostly 3s. Finished with 4x4 up/back (-3). Mostly 3s, a few 4s. Leah fell on last rep, banging a knee on the track.

3/29  Men's 400H practice at MU with Jim, Tim and Tom. Cold and windy. Not the best for this workout, but we did 4x4H, working on race pace. Jim aimed for a 58 pace (splits in 4.5 to 4.7 range for early hurdles); he was hitting splits in 4.5-4.9 range. Tim aimed for sub-60 pace (4.6-4.7) and ran 4.5-4.9. Tom aimed for 64 (4.9-5.1) and hit 5-5.6. Step patterns were inconsistent, some extra steps taken at times -- and Tim left a trail of blood on some hurdles. Next, 3x3H on turn with short recovery and a 100m run to the finish on last rep.

3/30  Warm up, stretch.

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