Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ripon meet: Nate soars to another record

3/24  Nate set school and conference records with his winning jump at 6-4.75 at Ripon. He also had some very close attempts at 6-6.75 (2.00m). Temperatures in the high 50s with light winds also contributed to some other good performances. Emily hurdled to a PR and conference record 15.68 to win her specialty -- with a zero on the wind gauge. Mollie jumped a PR 5-8.25. Jim had a solid win in the 400H, which was noteworthy mostly because he ran a 400 less than an hour before the hurdles.

Nate 6-4.75 (1st PR SR CR)
Joe 5-7 (4th)
Mollie 4-8.25 (3rd PR #4 all time) 19.03 (6th)
Dan NH (5-5)
Emily 15.68 (1st PR CR #2 all time)
Jonathon 17.15 (3rd #5 all time) 65.13 (3rd)
[7.2 5 5 5.1 5.4 5.65 6 6.4 6.4 6.3 6]
Jim 60.82 (1st)
Carol 75.74 (3rd) [8 5.75 5.9 6.1 6.6 6.7 7 7.5 7.1 7.1 7.5]

Nate's best attempt at 6-6.75...

Mollie's 4-8.25 PR...

Emily's 15.68 PR...

Jonathon's entry to H1...

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