Monday, March 12, 2012

Workouts: 3/12, 3/13

3/12  Emily, Tim, Aaron and Mike hurdled at MU. Leah worked out a Kern. Not sure about others. At MU, we did a few 5-step warm up reps over 2H at regular height, then 4x1H, working on stepping up with knee drive and toe up -- no bending. Then, 4x7H (-3' -3"), working on the same things. Emily ran 3x100. Finished with some plyos: single-leg hops (10y), speed bounds (20y), high skips (50y). Important to stretch and/or roll after practice. When we have time, we can do the stretching at the track. If not, do it  back at the Kern or when you get back to dorm/apartment. Doesn't matter when you stretch as long as you get it done, though it's best while you're still warm.

3/13  Joe, Nate, Dan, Mike and Mollie did backovers, short approach takeoffs, run throughs, ramp jumps, opening height jumps (-6 max) and quality jumps (-4 max). Ramp jumps were pretty impressive, Nate going 7-0, Mike and Joe going 6-7, Dan 6-0, Mollie 5-4 (ok, there was a little sag, but fun to see the high flying).

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