Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Workouts: 4/3, 4/4

4/3  Nate, Joe and Dan practiced HJ. Started with 3x run-throughs, short approach jumps emphasizing knee drive, full approach jumps at opening height, full approach jumps going up 2 inches on makes and down an inch on misses starting at -4 season best, full approach jumps at jumper's choice height. Shot some video to take a look at foot plant, knee drive, arm drive and clearance rotation.

4/4  Mollie, Leah, Carol and Jim came out to MU. Mollie and Leah did some low/slow reps and then 4x5H (-3 -3") in trainers. They did a few more reps over a couple hurdles to work on a couple technical issues. Jim and Carol did 400H work: 1x8, 1x4 and 1x2. Jim hit splits within a couple of tenths of target (hitting 4.7s) and Carol within .3 on early segments (around 6.0). Later segments lagged considerably (mid-7s).

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