Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Workouts: 3/5, 3/6, 3/7

3/5  Jonathon: 10x 3 7-step 33s at 15-relative spacing over 40m followed by 80m jog, 40m walk.

3/6  Joe, Nate and Dan jumped for 45 minutes -- an endurance jumping session aimed at bringing more speed to the approach and planting at the correct angle. Jerome had to leave at 5, so he didn't get as many jumps, but we squeezed the curve a bit more, bringing him in to 14 feet to help his plant and rotation. Mollie didn't arrive until 5, but she had some nice jumps, holding her lean into the curve and staying away from the bar on the plant.

3/7  Emily, Tom, Tim and Carol ran at MU. Not enough hurdles out there to do all we wanted, but we improvised and got done what we needed to do. Emphasis was more on technique and endurance. Emily did 8x 5H (-3" -3'), then 3x110 fast but relaxed. Tim and Carol did 4x5H and then joined Tom for 2x 1-2-3 walk to 4, run 5-6-7. Then, 2x start at 7 and run 8-9-10 + finish on last one.

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