Monday, March 19, 2012

Workouts: 3/19, 3/20, 3/21, 3/22

3/19  Nate and Jerome did a circuit at MU with plyometrics, med ball throws, body weight exercises and some  pickups and stretching all on the turf. On the track, Tim, Mike and Aaron had a good day on the hurdles. Started with some slow speed 33s, working on forward lean and knee-up, toe-up. Moved into a few warm ups over 42s over 2H and then 3x 2H at 42 (-1). Mike and Tim ran splits around 1.2 and Aaron in mid- to upper 1.2s. Went 6 hurdles next, first set at 42, second at 39 (-1.5) -- first set splits were around 1.3 average. Set of 39s were better -- Mike and Tim back in the low 1.2s, Aaron around 1.3. Finished with 5x110 on turf with walk back recovery.

3/20  Nate, Joe, Dan and Mollie worked HJ. Started with some short-approach reps and moved into run-throughs and full jumps -- a couple at starting heights and then 6 jumps at -2" season best. Then took optional jumps at requested heights.

3/21  Emily came out to work some highs. Warmed up, did some easy 3-step and then 4x2. Shut down because of soreness from Monday's sprint workout and a knee that was bothering her. Mollie arrived later and did the 4x2 (-2 33) and then 2x6 (-2 33/30). Held her 3s throughout. Had some nice splits on the shorter reps in the mid-1.2s. Longer reps ranged from mid-1.3s to upper 1.4s. Jonathon did a split workout, running  a couple reps of 2 and one of 4 (1.25 - 1.35 range). They ran into a slight breeze. Worked on getting lead leg down and lowering the arms. Tom, Jim and Carol ran 2x6H (-1 30) and then 3xH6-7-8 (short rec). Tom ran splits in 4.9-5.9 range; Jim 4.7-5.3; Carol 6.0-6.8. Worked on finding rhythm, attacking hurdles and staying relaxed. Jonathon did one 6H rep and then 3xH6-7-8. Splits ranged from 5 to 5.5. Good consistency but some shuffling into hurdles to stay on right lead -- need to be more aggressive and be willing to go oppo when needed. Carol made some improvements in lead leg mechanics and had some nice reps in the turn. Tom, Jim and Carol had a fairly wide split range. Splits will drop off a little as you go along, but only about a tenth or two early. With these times and a race Saturday, we should be able to start mapping out some target times for training and racing. For now, the mission is to stay in rhythm, attack hurdles and stay relaxed while moving fast.

3/22  Aaron did the same 400H workout -- 2x6H, splits ranging from 5.0 - 6.0. Held 15 through 4 or 5 hurdles on left with good technique. Did some change downs to right for 16s at H4 or 5 and got better on the oppo in later reps. Also did the 3x3 turn hurdles with short recovery, with splits in 5.3 - 5.8 range. Finished with some 3-step oppo work at 33 on turf. Shins held up.

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