Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Workouts: 2/26, 2/28

2/26  At Kern Center. Joe did a quick warm up and then some power hurdles, half hurdle lead leg and trail leg drills, close space 3-step (red marks) and a few starts to H1. Entire session focused on lead leg mechanics. Drill work was good. Full speed block starts not as much until last rep where the lead leg started pushing down more instead of folding.

2/28  At Kern Center. Joe warmed up, did some power hurdles and then focused primarily on block starts over H1 (36 39 42). Entry position on takeoff was good. Key thing was to try to improve the angle into the hurdle by getting more hip displacement from the takeoff foot. That started getting better, and when it was good the lead leg and trail leg mechanics improved. Did a few reps over two hurdles (in trainers 36 -2), still working on same issues but at slightly slower speed. Foam rolling.

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