Sunday, February 10, 2013

Platteville: Mike gets 5th in HJ

2/9  At Platteville. Mike continued to jump well, taking 5th place with his 6-1.25 jump and some very close misses at 6-3.25. Also in HJ, Carson managed to clear 5-9.25, despite feeling extremely ill. Brad's debut resulted in a 5-3 leap. In women's HJ, starting height of 4-4.25 proved too much for Kasey and Alex, but both had some good attempts and showed better technique. In the hurdles, Joe improved his 60H PR to 8.77 in prelims but only could manage 9.08 in finals for 8th. Jon ran 9.32, Andrew 9.87 and Brad tried but wasn't quite ready for the 42s. In women's hurdles, Kasey ran a PR 11.12 (#3 all time) and Briel a PR 12.49 in their second time racing the distance. In other events, 4x4 splits: Joe (24.5/27.9 52.4), Mike (26.5/30.3 56.8), Logan (26.7/29.6 56.3), Jon (26.9/28.7 55.6), Brad (28.8/30.5 59.3). Logan ran 7.66 in 60. Joe 23.30, Andrew 24.14, Brad 26.79, Nate 28.17 in 200. Nate also ran 400 (1:03.69). Athlete of the meet: Mike.

Complete results

Joe's start in the prelim. Out well and up on the ball of foot nicely. Lead leg and especially trail leg are hanging, and trail leg still not pulling through very high. Hard to see here but there's a bit of a reach into hurdle takeoff, which sets up the lead and trail problems. Can't wait to see how fast Joe goes when he improve these minor issues.

Kasey's hurdle takeoff foot is reaching out and blocking her takeoff. Need to get that foot more under the hip. That will help keep the foot strike on the front to the foot and not the heel, allowing a much faster hurdle entry.
Similar situation for Briel but even further out in front even though she's far too close to the hurdle and doesn't need to reach. Green line shows where that leg should be for an optimum takeoff position.
At toe off, Kasey has a high angle, mostly because of that reach into the takeoff. For fast hurdling, you need displacement between the takeoff foot and the hip. Green line suggests an angle that would offer better displacement.
Because Briel took off so close, she's in a position here that she should be in well before the hurdle. In other words, her flight path is about half in front of the hurdle and half after the hurdle rather than 2/3 and 1/3. Even in this position, though, that lead leg could be bent and cut down to get off the hurdle.
If Joe can push his hips forward into the hurdle, he can get better hip displacement, too. His shin and torso are at a good enough angle, but by pushing the hips back, he gives up displacement and has a weaker force vector toward the hurdle. You can see the difference in the image of the Iowa Central hurdler below. He has a better angle and better extension, giving the greater hip displacement.

Good extension here.

Alex had better jumps than this one, but you can see her push toward the bar on her plant and start leaning backward at takeoff.

Kasey was getting a little more vertical in this meet but still is bending into the bar a bit. Bigger issue here is how high the lead knee remains, which prevents her from getting her hips up over the bar.

Technically, Carson makes a good jump here but just didn't have enough speed and stalled out on top of the bar.

Very good jump for Mike here at 6-3.25, just brushing it with the calves. Just needs to continue the rotation  around the bar just a bit longer to clear the legs.

Brad leans back and in somewhat on take off but other than that makes a fairly good jump here.

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