Monday, February 4, 2013

Workouts: 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7

2/4  At Kern Center. Brad and Briel trained together. Warm up and 2x20 alternating leg box jumps and 10x plate presses. 6x 4-step power hurdles. 3x6H speedbuilders 5-5-6-6-7-8y spacing (30). Briel worked 1-2-3-4-3 before stopping because of shin issues. Brad worked blocks to H1 at 42, which went well, so he added H2 (39 -1) and later H3 (39 -1), making good progress.

2/5  At Kern Center. Carson, Alex, Leah, Mike and Brad worked HJ. Mike and Carson worked on pushing speed -- Carson took most jumps in 5-7 to 5-9 range; Mike in 5-7 to 5-11 range. Brad had some clearances at 5-1. Alex and Leah worked at 3-10. Alex cleared 3-10 multiple times. Leah's marks: 8/27/49.

2/6  At Kern Center. Joe, Mike and Brad trained on HH. Joe and Brad lifted 2x4x240 with 16x alternating leg box jumps and 5x one-leg plate presses. Did a few 4-step power hurdles before moving into starts, beginning with 2-step starts to get the first step under hip and to eliminate any bending. 2x1H (39), 1x2H, 1x3H, 1x4H (42 -1), 2x1H (39 side by side). Foam rolling. Joe worked on start, trail leg pull through and lead leg knee drive. Mike worked on rhythm to H1 and lead leg cut down. Brad did a good job of getting approach to H1 consistent. Lots of work to do on hurdle clearance and cut down. Mike had some very good reps but also some not so good, but he's had a long layoff from hurdling and his best reps were excellent. Joe also had some good reps and is making good adjustments when focused on them. Mike and Joe ran hand-time splits in low to mid-1.2s. Brad had some upper 1.2s but also was up in the 1.5s and 1.6s as he got out to H3 and H4. Still, he toughed it out to H4 on 3-step despite getting major air on the hurdles.

2/7  At Kern Center. Carson, Leah, Kasey and Alex worked high jump. Lots of short approach jumps, working mostly on plant angle and aggressive takeoff. Some off ramp. Later, took full approach jumps with bungee bar set at challenging heights. Jump volume was high.

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