Monday, February 18, 2013

Workouts: 2/18, 2/19, 2/20

Cutting everything back this week to prep for conference meet on Saturday.

2/18  At Kern Center. High jumpers trained on their own. Warm up (3-lap jog, circles and swings, 10 long skips, 10 high skips, 10 back skips, 10 low walks, 10 cariocas - L+R, 10 scorpions); sprinter medball throws; stretch/roll. No sprint work. Hurdlers did either the HJ workout or the sprinter workout (lifting, rowing). Nathalie -- not competing at NAC -- warmed up and did deadlifts (2x5x170) with 2x5 hops and 10x elevated push ups. 4x4H 1/2-space 3-step (2x w/L, 2x w/R) at 30. 3x1H starts (33). 3x3H (30). Most splits were in 1.30 - 1.40 range. Started to even out the splits between left and right side on 4-step. Foam rolled.

2/19  At Kern Center. Nate and Jerome had their first night of jumping, joining Alex, Kasey, Leah, Carson and Mike. Did individual warm up, including run throughs for 25 minutes. Jumped about an hour with everyone getting 3 jumps near opening height and then going right up to -2 of season best (or goal height) and then dropping an inch for subsequent jumps until a clearance. The women jumped at 4-0 for opening height. Carson at 5-8, Mike and Alex at 5-10. Jerome, not competing Saturday, started around 5-6 and took most of his jumps around 5-8. Mike and Alex took a jump at 6-2 and then worked down to 6-0. Carson worked up to 5-10.5 and then down to 5-8.

2/20  At Kern Center. Kasey, Nathalie, Mike, Jon and Joe worked highs. After warm up, 4x4-step powers (27/33), 3x3H 5-step (33/42), 3x3H 3-step (30/39 -1). Starts, split times all looked good. Mike stuck around and did a few extra reps to improve start and getting lead leg down.

Mike worked on starts a bit. This wasn't one of the better ones, but it illustrates a few points: Hips too high. That makes a far too open angle in the front leg and reduce the push you can get out of that leg. Would like to get that about 90 degrees (green line). If that happens, the hips are over the toes, which is where they should be. Shin angles are good and nearly parallel. Shoulders over hands -- also good. I'd suggest getting the toes of the front foot on the track to get more of the foot on the block.

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