Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly highlights 1/24 - 1/26

1/24  After 6 bodyweight exercises, Kevin, Eric and Aaron deadlifted 2-3x530, 3-4x510, 4-5x490; Mike did 3x440, 4x420, 4x400. 1 set of mobility hurdles followed and 2 pickups. Then 2x9.14m flys: Kevin 9.23mps, Aaron 8.87, Mike 8.70, Eric 8.01. Next, 1x30m accel from blocks: Kevin 3.88, Mike 4.05, Aaron 4.25, Eric 4.33. Some 5-step reps over 3H, then 3x1H+finish. Auto time bests: Kevin 2.10, Mike 2.16, Aaron 2.19, Eric 2.20. Ended with 2x3H+finish side by side. Stretched.
1/26  Warm up then 2x370, 3x350, 5x330 deads and single leg hops. 1 set of mobility drills, 2 pickups followed by a 30m acceleration. Auto bests: Emily 4.63, Karly 4.85, Molly 4.85. Next, 2x8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 7.94mps, Karly 7.65, Molly 7.33. Then, 3x1H. Emily made a major improvement, running all 3 at 2.11 or faster, including a PR 2.08. Molly and Karly also PR'd at 2.25 and 2.26. Finished with 3x3H (-1). Auto timed the 8.5m segment around H2. Bests: Emily 1.34, Karly 1.41, Molly 1.52. Conversion (fly/h): Emily 79.9%, Karly 78.7%, Molly 76.3%. Over time, you look to convert a higher percentage by improving hurdle technique. Very good practice. Very good performance.

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