Sunday, January 23, 2011

Results 1/22

At Whitewater.

Kevin nearly equaled his school record in the 55H, posting a 7.83 in the win. Emily also ran her best of the year, running 9.08 in the 55H final. The men's high jumpers also performed well, with Alex and Joe both scoring and Aaron reaching a season best. Karly 3-stepped the whole rack for the first time and ran a PR 10.18 in the 55H.

Kevin 7.93/7.83 [1st]
Mike 9.90
Eric 8.96
Aaron 5-3
Alex 5-10.75 [T5]
Joe 5-10.75 [T5]
Emily 9.22/9.08 [2nd]
Karly 10.18 [PR #3 all time] 4-5
Molly 10.60 4-3

Complete results

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