Sunday, January 16, 2011

Results 1/15

At Carthage College.

Good opening meet. Many good performances. Emily finished second in the highs and Alex fifth in HJ for our top finishes. Mike had a good debut in the 42" hurdles, with his 8.43 making him the second to Kevin on the all-time 55H list. Mollie's 10.24 is third all time. Karly's PR sixth all time.

Kevin 8.03 5-10.5 (#4 all time) in pentathlon
Eric 8.99/8.91
Mike 8.43/8.51 (7th #2 all time) 5-9.75 (=#5 all time)
Alex 5-11.5 (T5th)
Joe 5-9.75
Aaron 5-3.75

Emily 9.25/9.27 (2nd)
Mollie 10.24/10.73 (#3 all time) 4-7 (#4 all time)
Karly 10.49/10.84 4-9 (T6th #6 all time)

Complete results


Karly's plant is bit too far out and she had to take a long last step to get there. Lead knee is lifting well but not rotating toward the shoulder to get perpendicular to the bar. The lower part of the lead leg is straightening out rather than staying under. 

Mollie is launching toward the bar but the rest of this is good -- plant, arm block, rotation and layout are good. Just need to hit the vertical before going into the layout.

Karly and Mollie can be seen in this shot. Coming off the first hurdle in this sequence, you can see Karly's first step off the hurdle going too far. Nearly all of the strides are too long, which puts her back on her heel and creating braking forces that slow down momentum. Important to rise up on the ball of foot and keep pushing forward. Karly's clearance is quite high compared to Mollie's. That hang time contributes to a loss of momentum as well. While they both take off at almost the same time, Mollie is down quicker because she has a lower trajectory.

Emily looks in good form here. Left arm is pretty high when swinging back and she could be a higher on the ball of foot at both takeoff and landing. Best to keep the heels off the ground all the time.

Mike's technique also is sound other than crouching a bit on the takeoff. Best to be in a taller attack position to minimize up and down motion, allowing a flatter trajectory in crossing the hurdle.

Mike launches a bit toward the bar and could keep his head back a bit more on layout to help keep the hips up, but the plant and rotations are good.

Good jump here by Alex at 1.87. Take off point was closer than on some earlier jumps. Might need to ride the vertical up a bit longer and remain patient for the layout, but this is a solid jump.

Joe always has great technique. On this jump, though, he jumps toward the bar, too. But he does the best "heels to head" of anyone. Trying to form that reverse "C" over the bar is good because it puts the center of mass below the bar.

Joe and Eric are attacking well. Eric is running a bit "heavy" -- going heel to toe on the foot strikes.

Emily is running third here but finishes overcomes an early deficit to move into second.

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