Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekly highlights 1/10 - 1/15

1/10  After warm up ex, Kevin and Eric lifted 2x460, 3x440 and 5x 440. Mike 2x410, 3x390, 5x370. Followed sets with 2x4 low hops and then swings. Did a once through set of hurdle mobility, two laps of progressive speed and acceleration and then a couple 9.14m flys: Kevin 9.62mps, Mike 8.54, Eric 8.46. Moved into 3x3 (42) 5 steps, then a down-up ladder, going 3H (42 -1 stand), 2H (42 -1 3pt), 1H, 2H, 3H (blocks, regular). Finished with side by side 2H+F. Caught some auto time splits. Bests: Kevin 1.21, Mike 1.28, Eric 1.38. Approximate hand times: Kevin 1.15, Mike 1.25, Eric 1.35. Stretched.
1/11  Some jumped early. After warm up and short-range jumps, Mike, Aaron, Mollie and Karly took run throughs and then 3-4 jumps at a low height, approximate opening height and a challenging height. Continued to work for consistency in run-up, plant and going vertical before horizontal. Video of Aaron, Mollie and Karly jumps below.
1/12  Warm up exercises then Emily, Mollie and Karly (6 p.m.) lifted 2x340, 3x320, 5x300. Hurdle mobility, 2 pickups and 2x8.5m flys: Bests: Emily 8.41mps, Karly 7.80, Mollie 7.26. 2 sets of hurdle drills followed and then 4x2H and 2-3x4H (-1). Emily ran most splits sub-1.30, Molly in the 1.4-1.6 range before leaving with sore shins, Karly in the mid-1.2s up to 1.5, though she was consistently under 1.3 on the 2H reps. Stretched.

Mollie's run up is in good position and plant is OK, but she is looking to her right -- right at the bar. If you are looking there, you will likely launch yourself in that direction, which she does. Read the earlier post on where to look. At the plant, you should be looking down toward the end of the crossbar at point slightly higher. Mollie's head is leading her into the bar. She is leaning toward the bar even before the takeoff foot leaves the ground. Need to go vertical first. Double arm action is good but going across the bar rather than up. Knee drive, rotation and layout over the bar, including head position and kick out look good. Just need to work on the takeoff position to improve vertical lift before going into layout.

Aaron also is leaning into the bar quite a bit. Plant looks parallel rather than angled. Other positions look good. Nice layout. Maybe kicking out a bit early.

Karly is not running much of a curve here at the end, charging in fairly straight. The curve sets up the rotation, so that needs some attention. Plant is negative as she tries to put her back to the bar prior to take off. No double arm block, and if going for a single arm, the lead arm should go up and over the bar in more of a reaching motion. Even before leaving the ground, Karly starts leaning toward the bar and starts arching back. The lead knee remains parallel to bar rather then moving up toward the opposite shoulder to help with rotation needed to get perpendicular to the bar. Those two actions have her going nearly sideways across the bar. Karly arches well and knee drive is pretty good, but the angle of the lead leg (parallel to the bar) causes trouble with clearance and rotation.

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