Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly highlights 1/17 - 1/19

1/17 Kevin and Eric lifted 2x490, 3x460, 5x440. Aaron and Mike lifted 2x420, 3x400, 5x370. One set of mobility hurdles, then 3 pickups and 3 9.14m flys. Bests: Kevin 9.62mps, Aaron 9.14, Mike 9.05, Eric 8.87. Auto timed some splits before and after H2. Bests: Kevin 7.55mps, Mike 7.20, Eric 6.35, Aaron 5.78. Percentage of flat speed to hurdle speed: Kevin 78%, Mike 80%, Eric 72%, Aaron 63%. The goal is to try to move that number higher through better technique while trying to move your flat speed higher as well. Converting 80% or more is good efficiency. After three of those, we did 3x3H with an extended 12-step start to carry more speed through the hurdles. Kevin ran splits in the 1.11-1.15 range, Mike in the 1.12-1.20 range, Aaron 1.30-1.80. Eric 1.30-1.45.
1/18  High jumpers did 5 run-throughs, 5 jumps off 5-6 step approach, 5 full-run jumps about 2" below last week's best jump. Alex had a clearance of 5-11 on the short approach.
1/19  Emily and Molly lifted 2x350, 3x320. Karly lifted 2x350, 3x320, 5x300. Mobility work followed along with 2 pickups and then 8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 8.33mps, Karly 7.66. Molly did bike intervals to lay off her aching shins but rejoined the group for 4x1H+finish. Auto timed bests: Emily 2.19, Karly 2.34, Molly 2.34. Finished with 4x3H with extended 12-step start (30 reg). Best splits: Emily 1.19/1.16, Karly 1.32/1.40. Stretched.

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