Tuesday, February 28, 2017


2/28 KC. While most are training on their own at home during break, Rachel was in doing some work on high jump. Did some 1/2 circle jumps, full runthroughs, u-turns, short approach jumps and fulls. Worked on staying away and trying to get something from arm drive, but the biggest improvement came with knee drive, which helped her vertical. Foot was a little sore, so she didn't take too many jumps. About 6 or 7 fulls.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

NACC Indoor: Jess gets 2nd in 55H, Rachel 6th in HJ

2/26 Kenosha, WI. Jess capped off a great indoor season with a PR and runner up finish in 55H. Her time converts to a 9.49, just a hundredth off the #2 all time MSOE mark of Catherine Chappell. Des had her best effort of the season, clocking a converted 10.49, just .04 off her all-time best. Kim tried to give it a go with her badly bruised knee from a fall a few weeks ago, but couldn't get much going. Ben put up a great effort in his race, but hit H3 pretty hard, leaving him just short of his PR, running a converted 9.29 -- just .05 off his best. In HJ, Rachel was clean until 5-9.5, which left her tied for 6th. Bianca made the same height as Rachel, but had a miss, which dropped her to 9th. She also had to go back and forth from TJ, which didn't help. Jordan struggled with his ongoing knee problem but managed 5-8 -- about par for him. Jessica and Des also made big contributions to 4x4, crushing the former MSOE record by an astounding 8 seconds.

Jess: 9.49 (2nd PR #3 all time) 29.9/34 63.9r (4th)
Rachel: 4-7.5 (6th)
Bianca: 4-7.5 (9th)
Jordan: 5-8 (10th) 40-2.25 (9th)
Des: 10.49 (12th) 30.6/36 66.6 (4th)
Ben: 9.29 (12th) 25.44 (29th)
Kim: 11.08 (15th) 

Complete results

Jess 55H 2nd

Monday, February 20, 2017

Workouts: 2/23, 2/22, 2/21, 2/20

2/23 KC. Recovery/conditioning circuit.

2/22 KC. Jess, Des and Ben rehearsed pre-race warm up and then did some reps from H1 out to H4. Savana did some introductory work such as post ups and slow lows. Did many 4-step power hurdle reps over 24s. Added a second hurdle at 21'. She improved her drive to the hurdle and worked on stepping over knee on hurdle entry. She gradually added more speed and improved her ability in staying forward through exit. Still some work to do with arms and trail leg, but she is progressing rapidly. Need to get some metrics on acceleration and max velocity after break.

2/21 KC. Maia, Savana, Rachel, Alex and Jordan all jumped. Did run throughs, some scissors jumps, short approach jumps and fulls competition style but with 2 bonus jumps at end height. Savana took nearly all her jumps around 4-2, while the others took most jumps at 4-6. Jordan worked mostly at 5-6 with a couple at 5-8.

2/20 VF. 50 degrees in February allowed us to get outside in an unusual stretch of warm weather. McCoy, Des, Jess, Maia and Savana were out for a long sprint session. Others stayed inside with short sprinters. Did leg swings, dribbles and pick up. 3x100 with 30 sec recovery around 400 race pace. Rested 10 minutes and did 3x133 with 60 sec recovery, also at 400 race pace. Jordan joined us for those. Finished off with some skipping and hopping exercises as well as some pushups and planking. Went inside with Savana to try some hurdling drills -- window posts, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers and 4-step power hurdles. Did well for first time ever over hurdles.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

UWM: Multiple PRs

2/18 Milwaukee, WI. Mid-60 weather would have made a great day for an outdoor meet, but everyone was performing well inside the Klotsche Center. Maia equaled her HJ PR while Rachel and Bianca hit new PRs, Bianca =#4 all time and Rachel #8. Jordan followed suit with his PR in HJ and =#12 all time. Hurdlers had a good day, too. Maia got her 8 and 4s, completing her first hurdle race. Kim was back, and raced for the first time this season, getting her 8 and 3s. Des ran 8 and 4s en route to a season best time, just off her all-time best, and Jess ran her third-consecutive sub-10 race. Ben was .15 better than last week.

Jordan: 5-9.75 (4th PR #14 all time) 40-4.75 (8th)
Jess: 9.75 (6th) 7-0.5 (5th) 28.30 (3rd)
Bianca: 4-11 (6th PR =#4 all time)
Ben: 9.35 (6th) 7.74 (15th)
Rachel: 4-9 (9th PR #8 all time)
Des: 10.52 (10th) 28.83 (4th)
Kim: 11.14 (11th) 8.99 (12th)
Maia: 11.77 (12th) 4-3.25 (12th) NH 25-9.5 (11th) 

Complete results

Monday, February 13, 2017

Workouts: 2/16, 2/15, 2/14, 2/13

2/16 KC. Most did recovery circuit, some did field events. Savana, a new member of sprint group, stopped over for a HJ intro. We did some 4-step jumps and backovers into PV pit. Worked around 4-2 with bungee. Quick learner.

2/15 KC. Maia, Kim, Des and Jess did swings, cycles, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 5x4H 1-steps, 3x3H 5-steps of increasing height, block starts to step 4 - step 8 and low hurdle, 2x H1 starts for time (bests: Jess 2.14, Des 2.22, Maia 2.36). Kim was dealing with a knee injury from dance, and Des later hurt her ankle coming off a hurdle. 2-3x 3H for time (best splits: Jess PR 1.32, Maia 1.55 4-step, Des 1.55 3-step, Kim 1.53 3-step). 2x 8.5m fly (bests: Jess 1.03, Maia 1.16, Kim 1.08). 3-5x 4H at -3" and -4' (Jess around 1.1, Maia mid-1.2s, Kim 1.3s). Chris and Ben came in later. Chris did the warm up and 1-steps. Tried some short accels and then longer ones. Got up to 12 steps and then speed maintenance, which hurt a little, so we stopped. Ben did the same workout as the women at his respective heights and distances. He did 2.22 start time, PR 1.45 split time, 1.03 for 9.14m fly, and 1.2s for the 4H low and tight reps.

2/14 KC. Maia, Jordan, Rachel, Alex and Bianca warmed up for HJ and then did RTs, short approach jumps and fulls. Fulls were up on makes and down on misses. About 10 jumps. Worked on approach, plant angle, arms and staying away from bar. Mixed success with those elements. 5xL+R box pops.

2/13 KC. Circuit. Hurdle mobility, hurdle drills, strength, plyos, explosive medball throws, rowing, flexibility, foam rolling and stretching.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Platteville: Jess gets 400 record, hurdle PR

2/11 Platteville, WI. Remarkable day for Jess, setting an MSOE record for indoor 400 (29.4/33.5) and then breaking the 10-second barrier for 60H -- twice. One of those was just 30 minutes after the 400 final. Other highlights were Jordan's HJ PR and a good opener in HJ from Bianca in her first meet of the year, which was 7th best on MSOE's all-time list. Des also had a good 400 (31.7/35.5) and managed a 3-step in the 60H.

Jess: 62.86 (SR 6th) 9.68/9.78 (6th PR  #3 all time)
Bianca: 4-9 (7th #7 all time)
Jordan: 5-8.5 (9th PR #14 all time) 25.62 (42nd)
Des: 10.89 (23rd) 67.21 (16th)
Ben: 9.50 (19th) 60.81 (39th)
Maia: 30.43 (29th) NH 26-0.75 (30th) 13-9.5 (22nd)

Complete results

Monday, February 6, 2017

Workouts: 2/8, 2/7, 2/6

2/8 KC. Jess, Des, Maia and Kim were in early, and Ben came later. Chris did a circuit to lay off the hamstring. High jumpers were off. Warm up included hurdle mobility, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 10x 4H 1-steps followed. Women did some oppos in the set. Worked on high knee pick up with both lead and trail legs. Did some 4-step power hurdles, working on lead leg action. Some did work on trail leg and/or arm action. Block starts were next. Did a couple out to 4 steps then 8 steps to hit takeoff box. Added lower hurdle and then worked up to race height. A couple of reps over H2 around -1' to -2' spacing at -3" height. 3 to 5 reps over 3H at -4' and -3". Comments: Very good practice for everyone. Maia only balked a couple times on H1 and managed a 4-step on all but 2 reps out of 5. Trail leg was under a few times, but she was able to correct. Straightend up a few times but she fixed that, too, staying forward on later reps. Confidence is building and she appears ready to race. Des got her 8s and 3s, and she looks ready to jump to 3 steps in a race if her technique and effort is sharp. Kim was a little inconsistent, which was not surprising since it had been a while since she last trained, but she had some good reps later in the session. Jess had another good night, very quick and well aligned. Ben continued his good progress, running much more consistently. He banged a few and still has a loose trail more often than not, but he is getting it tighter at times, which is really helping on his getaway step and improving his balance. Lead leg continues to get better, particularly when he stays up before the hurdle and drives the lead leg knee to his chest as he pushes into the hurdle.

2/7 KC. Bianca was in for first time with Rachel, Maia, Alex and later, Jordan. After warm up, we did a few backovers off box and 3-step jumps from box. Quickly moved to run throughs and then full jumps so Maia could get to other field events and Bianca to class. Worked out Bianca's approach. Rachel and Alex continued jumping with Jordan. Rachel worked mostly around 4-7. Jordan around 5-9.

2/6 Pettit. Chris, Devon, Ben, Jess, Maia and Tyler warmed up and then did 4x150 at 95% with 10 min recoveries. Jess took most of them out a little easy because of quad soreness. Chris had a sore high hamstring after last rep. Others did a recovery workout in Kern. Pettit times:

Jess: 23.7 22.5 22.5 20.9
Maia: 23.4 22.9 22.8 22.6
Tyler: 21.9 22.3 22.4 22.5
Chris: 18.8 18.6 19.0 19.1
Devon: 20.3 20.2 20.6 20.0
Ben: 20.4 20.9 NT 21.3

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Stevens Point: Jordan gets HJ PR

2/4 Stevens Point. Not a good day for hurdlers and high jumpers. No Kim, no Spencer, no Jess and no Des for various reasons. One bright spot was Jordan's HJ PR of 5-7.75. Everyone else was subpar. Was it the early hour? Long bus ride? Undertraining? Overtraining? Hard to know. Things improved, though, in the afternoon. Jess was within about a half second of the school indoor 400 record, and we had some PRs in 200 and a strong 4x4 leg by Jordan.

Jordan: 5-7.75 (13th PR =15th all time) 53.9r
Jess: 63.91 (19th)
Ben: 9.60 (19th) 25.13 (51st PR)
Chris: 9.89 (23rd) 24.72 (45th)
Rachel: 4-5 (11th)
Maia: 13-7.5 (18th) 25-4.25 (34th) 30.96 (49th)
Des: 28.75 (33rd PR)
Collin: 5-1.75 (14th) 54.9r