Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 26 workouts

4/27 MU. Warm up included hurdle mobility with high knee jog return and up/back hurdles from 10 to 30 yards. 1x6H at target race pace. 1x5H walk to H6, rest 60 sec, run H7-8-9-10. 1x200 at cruising speed and then H6-7-8-9-10. Stretched. Joe warmed up with hurdlers, did a few accels on turf, then a 1/2 straight on track in spikes, then a fast 150 in spikes and finally a moderate 200 in trainers with no ill effect. Hurdlers mostly did well, running near target pace and maintaining race pattern.

4/28 KC. High jump tune up. Pre-comp warm up followed by competition style jumping with a max of 6-9 jumps. Alex made 4-7 and had a number of close ones at 4-9. Kasey cleared 4-11 and took a couple good jumps at 5-1. Levi started at 5-8, worked up to 6-0 and then had some good attempts at 6-2. Nate also made 6-0 and had some close ones at 6-2. Jerome started at 6-4, then made 6-6 and had some good efforts at 6-8. Worked on a few minor points, but for the most part everyone was good on the ground and pretty sharp and consistent throughout. Hurdlers were off.

4/29 KC/VF. Warm up included circles, swings, hurdle mobility, skip, pickup, 3x3 5-step hurdles. Starts over 1-2-3-4. Outside for 4x1 exchanges with Des, Jess, Chris and Matt as well as the other sprinters in those relays.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 25 workouts

4/20 KC. Indoor no-impact circuit.
500m rowing
Hurdle mobility
-sideover L+R
-forward L+R
-backward L+R
-over/under L+R
Medball wall throws (25x each)
-situp overhead
-5x trap-bar deadlift (challenging weight)
-8x hip thrust L+R with a foot on box, other straight up, hold top 2 sec.
-1x depletion push ups (max - 90 sec - max - 90 sec - max)

4/21 KC. Alex, Nate, Kasey, Spencer and Jerome jumped. Did 4-5x ramp jumps off 6-step to look at some higher bars and get more time to work on holding the top. Followed with 4-5x fulls without ramp -- also at some higher bungee heights. Spencer got his arms involved and had some great ramp jumps, but it didn't carry over into fulls. Jerome's ramp jumps were around 7-6, Nate 6-10, Spencer 6-8, Alex and Kasey around 5-8. Fulls were around PR height.

4/22 KC. Joe, Chris, Matt, Des and Jess did circles, swings, skips, stride, hurdle mobility, 3x3 5step, 3x3 3 step -3, 1-2-3-4-5 from blocks, 3x3 relative spacing, 3x2 random. 3x10 pushups and KB swings. Stretch/roll. Joe still had some tendon pain but was able to get over a few hurdles at moderate speed and did accelerations out to 16 steps.

4/23 VF. Circuit
01x jog long side
20x push ups 
01x jog short side
20x bodyweight squats to parallel
01x stride long side
01x walk short side
10x burpees
01x walk short side
01x pickup short side
01x jog short side
10x tuck jumps (knees to chest, quick off ground)
01x jog short side
20x mountain climbers
01x stride long side
01x wall sit - 60 seconds
01x easy skip short side
20x lunge jumps - start in lunge position, jump, switching legs
01x walk short side
10x double-leg hops
01x walk remainder of short side
10x alternating arm-leg plank (L arm forward, R leg up)
01x pickup short side
10x push up jacks
01x walk short side
20x lunge walk on long side
01x stride remainder of long side
05x left hops - walk back
05x right hops - walk back
10x bounding strides
01x walk remainder of short side
5-10 min standing stretches: quad, hip, calf, hamstring (use walls, benches, rails)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

St. Norbert: Jerome gets another win

4/18 De Pere. Sustained winds around 20 mph and temperatures in the 50s made for a less-than-ideal day, but we still posted some good performances. Despite an abbreviated warm up, the men's high jumpers battled the difficult conditions well, with Jerome topping 6-7 and our other three jumpers all placing in the top 7. Spencer had a PR 5-11.25. Matt PRed in both hurdles. Kasey got a PR in 100H with her 18.88 ranking #10 all time.

Jerome 2.01 (1st) 8 jumps
Nate 1.91 (3rd) 8 jumps
Levi 1.86 (4th) 8 jumps 16.52
Spencer 1.81 (7th PR) 10 jumps 16.74
Alex 1.43 (T6) 6 jumps
Kasey 1.38 (11th) 7 jumps 18.88 (PR #10 all time) 79.08 (8 6 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.8 7.4 7.5 7.9 7.6 8.5)
Jessica 17.03 73.58 (7th) (7.5 5.4 5.6 6 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.6)
Desarae 19.16 81.78
Matt 16.69 (PR) 60.88 (7th PR)
Chris 61.44 (8th) (6.9 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.3 6.9)

Other events:
Chris 4x1, 4x4
Levi JT (44.07)
Spencer LJ (5.73)
Matt 100 (11.74)
Kasey 4x4 (71.1)
Desarae 4x1 4x4 (71.6)
Jessica 4x1 4x4 (66.2)

Complete results

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recovery days

Recovery days should involve actions to help you restore and rehab. Here are some options:

Foam rolling: Break down tight spots with foam rollers on second level of KC as well as track area.
Stretching: Grab a mat in track area or second level of KC to improve flexibility. Before practice, we do a variety of dynamic stretches (with movement). Recovery days are good for static stretches.
No-impact cardio: Get movement and circulation of sore areas by using bikes, rowing, elliptical machines on second level of Kern Center. Performing 15-20 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio the day after a high-intensity workout helps return leg strength faster than doing little or nothing. If rowing, do 2 or 3 sets of 4 to 5 minutes -- or just do a set or two and move to bike or elliptical. 

Low-impact cardio: On Viets field, run long sides and walk short sides. Keep the running at a pace that is moderate -- allowing you to still speak a full sentence without losing your breath after a rep. After 2x around, walk a long side for a longer recovery between sets. Do 2 or 3 sets.

Mobility: Work out problem areas with mobility exercises. Mobility Wod offers a variety of videos that target problems and movements:

Therapy: Visit Sports Medicine staff for treatment of injuries, aches and pains, including ice bath.

Rest: Sometimes full rest is warranted when extremely fatigued or hurting. Stay off your feet. Take a nap.

Nutrition: Use the day to make smart choices in what you eat. Low-fat protein (at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight), whole grains, nuts and seeds (handful), fresh fruit and vegetables (5 a day). Men should drink about 3 liters (5 20-oz bottles) of water a day, women 2 liters (about 3 20-oz bottles). Avoid high-fat, sugary and processed foods.

Yoga: Here is a 14-min routine you can play on your phone or laptop:

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 24 workouts

4/13 MU. Matt, Chris, Spencer, Desarae, Kasey and Jessica. Quick warm up with hurdle mobility and high knee run, and up/back hurdle progression over 30s. Starting at H2 spot, run H3-4-5, then start at H3 spot and run H4-5-6 and so on through 10. Used a walk back recovery. After that, some ran the steeplechase barrier at 30 to work on stepping on and pushing off the barrier. Matt and Spencer did some oppo work at that time. High jumpers did a circuit. Joe did 2x5x short accels up to 10 steps.

4/14 KC. Alex and Kasey took 10 jumps at 5-8. Nate took 10 at 6-0. Mike took a few introductory lessons. Carson stopped by to visit. Jerome took some jumps at 6, 6-4, 6-6 and 6-8. Quality and consistency was good throughout.

4/15 MU. Warm up of hurdle mobility with high-knee returns, 3x3H 5step (33/42), 4x7H (-1 for 3 and -2 for 3). Some ran a lap at steeplechase pace. Stretched. Joe did 2x5x short accels up to 12 steps and some strides.

4/16 VF. Jess, Des, Matt and Chris were out there to do Viets Field circuit. About 20 minutes with another 10 minutes of stretching.

4/17 VF. Chris, Mike, Logan, Des, Jess, Kathryn and Adriana did 4x1 exchanges.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

WLC: Jessica's 100H PR gets 3rd, big HJ PR for Alex

4/11 Wauwatosa. Jessica 3-stepped half the race en route to a PR 16.76 in 100H and PR in 400H (72.66) for 7th, Kasey got a 400H PR75.29 (#5 all time). In HJ, Alex cleared a PR4-11 for 4th, and Kasey jumped the same height for 5th on misses. Des ran a PR 19.01 in 100H.

Jessica 72.66 (7th PR #3 all time) 16.76 (3rd PR #4 all time)
Alex 4-11 (4th PR =#4 all time)
Kasey 4-11 (5th) 75.29 (9th PR #5 all time)
Desarae 80.09 (12th) 19.01 (9th PR #10 all time)

Competing unattached, Holly ran 70.35 and 16.80.

Complete results

Benedictine: Jerome gets 3rd, others notch PRs

4/11 Lisle, IL. Temperatures in the 60s with moderate winds and sunny sky contributed to great performances in this large meet with more than 1,000 athletes. Jerome had the top finish of the day with 3rd in HJ at 6-8.75 and an agonizingly close one at 6-10.75, which might have got him back into the Drake Relays. Still, his 6-8.75 positions him #8 in DIII in the early outdoor season. Nate equaled his HJ PR with a 6-4.75 for 6th, and he also had a near miss at the next height. Levi jumped a PR 6-2.75, which was equal to the 7th place height, but he finished 12th on misses.

In hurdles, Levi had our best finish with a 6th in 400H, racing to a PR57.51. Matt also notched a PR61.08, despite a couple missteps late in the race. High hurdle performances were good, too, with PRs from Levi (16.12), Spencer (16.69) and Matt (17.04), which all ranked in our all time top 10. Sadly, Joe hurt his hamstring in 4x1 and was unable to hurdle.

Jerome 2.05 (3rd) 7 jumps
Nate 1.95 (6th =PR =#3 all time) 9 jumps
Levi 1.90 (12th PR #5 all time) 9 jumps 16.12 (13th PR #4 all time) 57.51 (6th PR #4 all time)
Spencer 1.75 (16th) 6 jumps 16.69 (15th PR =#7 all time)
Matt 17.04 (17th PR #10 all time) 61.08 (15th PR)
Chris 61.64 (17th)

Other events:
Joe 4x1
Chris 4x1, 100 (11.87)
Spencer LJ (17-2.25), JT (125-9)
Levi JT (134-10)

Complete results

Jerome clears 6-8.75

Matt and Spencer hurdling to season best times.

Nate nails his PR 6-4.75

Saturday, April 11, 2015

MSOE records

Indoor Records
Joe Buichl 8.36 UW-Platteville 2/14/15
Emily Dieringer 9.49 UW-Platteville 2/11/12
Kevin Diederich 7.72 North Central 2/27/11
Joe Buichl 7.72 UW-Parkside 2/28/15
Emily Dieringer 8.60 Carthage 2/25/12
Jerome Rhodes 6-10.25 Carthage 3/01/14
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 Carthage 3/07/08

Outdoor Records
Kevin Diederich 14.97 - Carroll University 4/09/11
Emily Dieringer 15.18 - North Central College 5/11/12
Joe Buichl 55.92 - North Central College 5/16/14
Heather DeLany 1:05.47 - UW-River Falls 5/06/05
Jerome Rhodes 6-11 - UW-Madison 5/10/14
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 - UW-Oshkosh 5/24/07

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 23 workouts

4/6 MU. Cold, windy day for 400H crew. 40 degrees. Brrr. Jessica, Desarae, Jessica, Levi, Chris, Matt and Joe did hurdle mobility and some up/back hurdles for warm up. Main event was 2x6 at regular height and spacing with a tailwind on backstretch. Goal was to hit all 6 on preferred pattern. Some had trouble with H1 into wind. Others had a change down here or there, but most held their pattern throughout. Used a 10 min recovery between reps. Moved to far end for a start at H7 mark and then a run over final 3 hurdles and on to finish. High jumpers were off.

4/7 KC. Alex, Kasey, Des, Levi, Jerome, Nate and Spencer jumped. After warm up, we did double and single leg vertical jumps. Bests (2, L, R): Kasey (20.2, 13.4, 11.9), Alex (20.4, 10.6, 11.9), Jerome (32.8, 22.7, 22.3), Nate (31.6, 20.5, 23.4), Des (21.6), Jess (21.4), Spencer (32.9, 21.6, 20.9). Not surprisingly, everyone jumped better off their jumping leg in the single leg test. After that, everyone took a jump or two at opening height, 2 to 3 at +2 and 3 to 4 at +4. Levi made some progress at holding the top. Spencer continued to work on arm drive and jumping up before laying out. Jerome was in good form for most of his jumps. Nate also had some good jumps, though we talked a little about driving the left arm up over the right to keep the shoulder away, and we looked at the penultimate step, which might be dropping a bit too low to hold the speed better. Kasey still has some knee issues, which are now about 3 weeks old. The brace was an issue in getting better heel tuck. Alex had solid jumps throughout the workout. Des tried a few fulls, needing to get hips up and head back on clearance. Women hurdlers did a conditioning circuit.

4/8 KC. Levi, Matt, Spencer, Chris and Joe had a high hurdle workout. Started with hurdle mobility / running As followed by 4-step power hurdle plus 2 1-step hurdles for most. Late arrivals did their own warm up. Did a lot of metrics. 2x30m accel (Bests: Chris 3.97, Joe 3.98, Levi 4.06, Spencer 4.20, Matt 4.23), 2x fly (Bests: Joe 9.42, Matt 9.14, Levi 9.14, Chris 9.05, Spencer 8.62), H1 start (Bests: Matt 2.16, Spencer 2.22, Chris 2.26), hurdle splits (Joe 1.22, Matt 1.37, Spencer 1.37, Chris 1.55). 2x8-10 KB swings, single leg deads, lunge walk. Stretch/roll.

4/9 KC. 4x1 exchanges with Matt, Joe, Chris and  Cody, and Kathryn, Jess, Des and Adriana. Jess, Des and Kasey did high hurdle training, starting with some power hurdles plus 2 1-step hurdles. 30m accel (Des PR 4.34, Jess 4.51, Kasey 4.67), fly (Jess PR8.33mps, Des PR8.02, Kasey 7.33), 3xH1 (Bests: Jess PR2.14, Des PR2.20, Kasey 2.37), 2x3H (Best splits: Jess PR1.38, Des PR1.42, Kasey 1.52). Stretch/roll. Men hurdlers did conditioning circuit.