Monday, January 6, 2014

Workouts: 1/6, 1/7, 1/8

1/6 At KC. Jana and Zuzka continued their progress with the hurdles. Started with usual warm up and then 3x deadlifts at 170#, single-leg hops and elevated push ups. Hurdle work included some marchovers, skipovers and slowlows before some 4-step power hurdles from 27 to 33. Next, block starts to H1 up to 33. Zuzka worked 9-step rhythm, Jana 8. Moved into second hurdle next, using regular hurdles. Zuzka worked 4-step rhythm and Jana 3-step. Zuzka worked at race spacing, Jana at -3. Both worked at 30". Finished with some 4H reps at 27 -5 with 3-step for both. Major accomplishments included getting the stride patterns to H1 and H2, and getting over 33-inch hurdles. Stretched.

1/7 At KC. Great night of jumping for Mollie, Madeline, Kasey, Alex, Jerome and Mike. After warm up, we started jumping at -6" best height for women while the men started at 5-8 (opening height for Saturday). Madeline and Alex cleared bars around 4-6, while Kasey and Mollie cleared about 4-8. Jerome cleared 6-4, Mike 5-10. Everyone got some jumps at higher bars, and while our goal was just to get ready for Saturday, there was a lot of good jumping and some nice adjustments made tonight.

1/8 At KC. Kasey, Nathalie, Mollie, Joe and Brad's hurdle practice consisted of circles, swings, 3x3 deadlifts (190#/280#), 3x6 L+R hops, 3x over/under, 3x10 elevated push ups. Acceleration work with wall drive, hop starts and rope pulls. A few practice starts and then timed starts over H1. Best times: Joe 2.16, Brad 2.28, Mollie 2.38, Nathalie 2.44, Kasey 2.55. Next, starts over 2H -1. Finished with 4H (-2 for Nathalie and Kasey at 30; -1 for Joe and Brad at 39) and box exercises (step ups, bridges, thrusts and alt jumps). Most important aspect of tonight was to shake off some rust for those who hadn't hurdle until prior to break and to get some reps similar to race distance and height prior to upcoming meet. Also worked on technical improvements. Got some split hand times. Joe ran consistently around 1.2, Brad 1.4, Nathalie 1.4, Kasey 1.4 to 1.5, Mollie had to leave for class and didn't get a split time. Joe worked to improve alignment and keeping the lead arm moving, Brad on getting the lead leg down (good improvement there), Nathalie on consistent 3-step without getting back on heel at entry, Kasey on 3-step (got one) or quick 4.

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