Saturday, January 4, 2014

UWM: Joe posts 9.02 in solo effort

1/4 At UWM. Running by himself, Joe ran nearly as fast as he did with a fast field a few weeks ago. Video shows he could get the hips up more (less bend) in the acceleration, but the block clearance was OK overall. Did some frame grabs from the video to point out some areas of note.

Good entry with takeoff foot here. Knees are close, so casting the foot forward and getting on heel are not issues.
Would like to get the triple extension here to straighten this line and get hips forward.
This is great. Toe up on lead leg. Slight bend in lead leg. Good arm positions. Trail leg is about as good as it can be here until the takeoff angle and extension improves.
As knee passes hurdle, lead leg is moving down and trail leg is starting to move forward. Lead arm is "stuck" in forward position. Would like to have that starting to move backward. Nothing should ever stop moving in hurdling.
 Arm is still out there as hips reach rail.

Although lead leg started moving down on time, it didn't get down fast enough, so the landing is just ahead of hip instead of under. This might be tied to that lead arm being stuck in that forward position. Left arm here should be bent like in sprinting rather than straight. Trail leg didn't finish; pulled forward well but never got up and to the front.

A few little things to work on in the weeks ahead.

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