Monday, January 13, 2014

Workouts: 1/13, 1/14, 1/15

1/13 At KC. Annika, Jana and Zuzka hurdled tonight. Warm up included circles, swings, deadlifts (170#), 5x 1-leg hops, elevated push ups. Next, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers; 4-step power hurdles; H1 block starts. Shot video of entries (working to stay off heels). Made improvements at times with that, but more work needed. Also timed the H1 starts at 33. Bests were Jana 2.62, Annika 2.66, Zuzka 2.81. Jana and Annika were consistent on 8-step. Zuzka worked 9-step and was able to do it early in the session but not later. Did a few reps with 4-step at regular height and spacing for 2H and 3H. Also did some 4H sets, with last hurdle at 27. Annika and Jana both succeeded in completing a 4H set. Stretched.

1/14 At KC. Annika, Jana, Mollie, Madeline, Kasey, Alex, Jerome and Brad all jumped tonight. Spent some time looking at meet video and/or new video from tonight's practice. Worked on technical improvements at moderate heights. Jerome worked on dropping the head back and seeing the wall to avoid folding on the bar. He did a great job of that on his last few jumps. Brad was dropping his head back on takeoffs, arching a bit off the ground, which stopped his rotation, making it impossible to get perpendicular. Because he also jumped toward the bar, he also hit his high point well past the bar and pulled most bars off with his heels under the bar. Annika was doing the same thing -- arching back on take off. Later, she managed to make a correction on that and had some better jumps. Jana had some nice plants and her approach was good. Takeoff had her head going toward bar before she ever left the ground. Madeline made some improvements, but like the others, was launching toward the bar. On various attempts, everyone worked on trying to get more vertical. Leaning into the curve to stay away from jumping into the bar is critical. Clear what everyone needs to be working to improve. Just a matter of doing it and then repeating it enough to make it consistent.

1/15 At KC. Annika, Jana, Mollie, Nathalie, Brad and Joe hurdled tonight. Mollie was in early. She did some 2H starts and 4H reps, where she got her 3s at -1. The rest of the group started off the usual warmup, deadlifts, hops, elevated push ups and hurdle mobility. Followed with 3x pickups and then 3x fly sprints (Bests in mps: Nathalie 7.87, Annika 7.72(?), Jana 7.46, Brad 8.67 and Joe 10.0!) 3x2H starts at regular height -1 spacing. 3x4H at -3" -1'. Everyone made some good adjustments and improvements. Annika was able to run a better line by keeping her trail leg tucked better and taking her lead leg straight on. Jana improved her H1 attack but was bit sore from previous workouts and had some struggles coming off the hurdles -- often straightening or leaning back a bit. Nathalie was able to power through some 3s early but ran out of strength late in the workout, reverting to 4s. Had a couple good reps, though, where she ran with good rhythm (and no reaching) through H2. Brad did a good job lowering his arms and getting the lead leg down a bit earlier -- but still dropped the trail leg most of the time. Joe started out dropping the trail leg but quickly fixed that and had a lot segments in the 1.2 area. When we dropped to 39, he took the last rep and used more of his speed and went into the 1.mid-teens. Very good practice -- lots of work, lots of improvements, lots of effort. Well done. Stretched/rolled.

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