Saturday, January 11, 2014

Chicago: School indoor record for Jerome

1/11  At Chicago. Jerome set an MSOE indoor high jump record, clearing 6-5 (1.96) on his third attempt, good for 2nd. He also had a great jump at 6-7, narrowly missing on his third attempt. Jerome and Mike jumped 11 and 13 times, respectively -- a few more than what we typically would want but on target for an early season meet where we wanted a lot of jumps. Mike wasn't feeling well and inconsistent jumping showed that, but he still managed to make some clutch jumps to stay in the competition, finishing 4th at 6-1.25. In women's HJ, Kasey and Mollie each cleared 4-5.5, tying for 2nd. Kasey's jump was a PR and places her #7 on the all-time list. Alex cleared 4-3.5 for 5th, finding a little better rhythm late in the competition. Madeline struggled with her approach and no heighted at 4-3.5. In the 55H, Joe was within a step of his all-time best, clocking 8.22 for an easy win. Brad was 2nd in 9.36. In the women's race, Nathalie's 10.21 in 6th puts her #5 on MSOE's all-time list. Mollie was right behind in 7th with her 10.35, and Kasey ran 10.74 for 8th. In other events, Logan - 55 (9.06) 400r (56.6). Joe - 400r (52.9). Nate - 200 (27.75) 400r (61.5). Mike - 400r (62.2). Alex - 55 (9.11). Jana - 55 (8.76) 200 (32.86). Annika - 55 (8.92) 200 (33.26). Nathalie - 200 (32.25). Zuzka - 200 (35.42) TJ (24-9.25). Mollie - 200 (31.56). Jerome - 400r (56.7). Brad - 400r (56.7) LJ (17-7) SP (35-7.25).

Full results

Here are some takeoffs from Saturday as well as a wireframe of an elite jumper. Leaning in to some extent. Some more than others. Need to work on "staying away" by leaning into the curve, not the bar. Takes a little courage, patience, practice. We will take a closer look on Tuesday, but there's enough here to make the point.
Mollie is nearly identical to Kasey at this point. Kasey's takeoff leg is more vertical but both are pushing toward the bar -- especially with the head and shoulders.
This isn't necessarily ideal, but it's a good wireframe of a good jumper. Jerome comes fairly close to this, but he's still leaning in a bit more than this wireframe.

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