Monday, January 27, 2014

Workouts: 1/27, 1/28, 1/29

1/27 At KC. Joe, Kasey, Nate and Logan did a 400H workout consisting of a brief warm up and then some power hurdles and 8-step 3-pt starts, working on a good entry angle and foot position. It's an area that could use more attention. Main part of workout was 10x3H over 40m+ set at relative spacing for 19 steps (Kasey, Nate) 17 steps (Logan) and 15 steps (Joe). Joe did an extra set of 5x3. Foam rolled. Took a rep or two for some to find their rhythm, but reps after that were consistent. Kasey's shins held up OK. Logan had good quick entries and exits. Joe worked on squaring up and getting the trail leg through to the front. Nate worked to eliminate bending during clearance.

1/28 At KC. Jerome, Mike, Brad, Kasey, Mollie, Jana, Annika and Alex did HJ work that consisted of warm up, a couple practice jumps then a couple jumps at opening height, a couple about -2 of best height, a couple more at best height and then a couple more about an inch over that. Some took a few extra jumps in an attempt to make some corrections.

1/29 At KC. Mollie, Nathalie, Jana, Annika, Joe and Brad loosened up and then did deadlifts (290-180). Stride, pickup, accel then a couple practice starts over H1 at race height and spacing. 6x3H starts with timed splits. Bests: Joe PR 1.27, Brad PR 1.44, Mollie PR 1.37, Nathalie PR 1.38, Annika PR 1.62. Comments: Joe squared up well on his PR, running aggressively and finishing the trail leg well. Had a good trail leg all night. Brad continues to improve his technique and consistency. Worked some on the lead arm, which was swinging wide and high. He improved that at times. Mollie steadily improved her split times throughout the workout and got her 3-step every time. Nathalie tried some 8-3s but we later shifted to 8-4 and then 9-4, which appeared to be the winning combination as she dropped her split time by a couple tenths. Annika continues to gain experience and confidence, running consistent splits just over 1.6. Should be able to start working on some smaller technical issues now that the step pattern and confidence is set. Jana continued to struggle with her attack on H1. Takes patience along with a good measure of aggressiveness and determination. Concluded with 10x lunge jumps, 10x single-leg squat jumps and 10x double-leg squat jumps. Foam rolling.

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