Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Workouts: 4/30, 5/1

4/30 At Kern Center. Took about 25 min to rehearse pre-meet warm up. Took one jump about -5, two at -4 and three at -3. Some took an additional jump or two after that. Was good to see some higher bars. Carson stayed out with some patella pain. Mike did some benching to allow his hamstring to recover. Brad, Jerome, Nate, Brian, Kasey and Alex jumped. Some good jumps while working on a few minor technical issues. At Marquette. Nathalie, Joe, Logan and Nate did 400H training. After warm up, some strides and a hurdle progression 6x1H. 1x5H targeting race pace. 2x6-7-8 with walk back across track recovery. 2x8-9-10. Walking lap cool down and stretching.

5/1  At Kern Center. Brad, Joe, Brian and Nathalie worked highs. 4x1+1 power hurdles, 4x5 5-step, 4x3 block starts (2 at -1 -3", 2 at regular height and spacing). Liked where we ended up, just ripping through and  getting just a bit reckless and more aggressive. Brad got some splits under 1.4, Brian under 1.3 and Joe under 1.2. Nathalie improved her lead leg entries and ran some good lines on her reps. Good, quick, efficient workout with some nice adjustments.

Monday, April 29, 2013

St. Norbert: Record-breaking day in HJ

Brian clears 6-6.75
4/27  At De Pere. Records, PRs and top 10 all-time performances highlighted this day when warm weather finally greeted the team. Jerome and Brian soared to a school record 6-6.75, finishing 1st and 3rd, respectively. Nate also had a great day, equaling his PR 6-4.75, finishing 4th. Carson and Mike tied for 6th at 5-10.75. Joe had another good day, taking 2nd in 110H (15.83/PR15.60 - #2 all time), 3rd in 400H (57.52) and a leg of 4x1. Jon took 5th in 110H (17.13/16.72) and Brian 6th (19.31/16.75 - #7 all time). Brad ran 19.49. In 400H, Logan finished 5th (61.55) and Nate ran 78.66. Women high jumpers also had a good day as both Alex and Kasey had PRs of 4-6.75 (#6 all time) and 4-4.75 (#10 all time), respectively. Nathalie just missed finals, hurdling PR 18.35 (#5 all time). Kasey ran 400H in PR 79.70 (#4 all time). Athlete of meet: Brian. Lots of deserving performances but the record plus a strong hurdle performance put him on top.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Workouts: 4/23, 4/24

4/23  At Kern Center. Alex, Kasey, Carson, Mike, Brian, Nate and Jerome warmed up, did pit bridges, backovers, short approach jumps and run throughs. Next, 2x -6 -4 -2.

4/24  At Kern Center. Brad, Brian, Joe and Jon worked highs -- 4-step power hurdle into 1-step; 3x4H 5-step (42); 3x4H 3-step (39 -1). Brian did a few extra reps over 1H and 2H. At Marquette. Joe, Kasey, Nathalie, Nate, Logan warmed up and then did 6x progressive up/back and 2x6+4 with 1 min recovery after the 6 and then 15 min after the 4. Finished with 6x2 3-step oppo.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

St. Norbert: Hat trick for Joe, men take both hurdles, HJ

4/21  At De Pere. Sunny but cold and breezy for the St. Norbert meet. Started off in the low 30s and maybe made it to low 40s. Despite the cold, Joe won both the 110H (16.10/16.18) and 400H (6.5 4.35 4.5 4.5 4.75 5.0 5.05 5.1 5.45 5.5 5.9 57.04) as well as running anchor on winning 4x4 (51.7 split). In 400H, Joe held 15s all the way through H8, went oppo 16 on H9 and then another 16 on H10. Logan had an excellent first 5 hurdles in 400H but got stuck going oppo on second 5 (6.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.2 6.2 61.96), finishing 9th. Andrew strained a hamstring in 100 and sat out the remainder of meet. Brad ran 110H for first time, 3-stepping all the way and running 18.89. Lead leg mechanics need continued work, but it was good to get through that one. In HJ, all the men placed, taking 5 places, scoring 25 points. Jerome 1st (6-2.75), Nate 3rd (6-2.75), Brian 4th (6-0.75 =#5 all time), Mike 5th (5-10.75), Carson 8th (5-8.75). Everyone had at least one good attempt at the subsequent height. Brian had a good debut despite problems on the approach (some 12s, some 10s). On the women's side, Nathalie ran 100H in 18.74. She also ran 400H (1:22.54) and 4x1. Alex had a good day in HJ, clearing 4-5 and getting one very close attempt at a PR 4-7. Kasey and Nate G were absent. Mike stayed out of 400H because of a strain incurred in 4x1. Picking Joe as athlete of meet for his three wins.

Men's results
Women's results

Monday, April 15, 2013

Workouts: 4/15, 4/16, 4/17, 4/18

4/15  At Kern Center. Everyone worked with sprint group or did strength work.

4/16  At Kern Center. Brian joined HJ group and trained with Jerome, Nate, Carson, Kasey, Alex and later, Mike. Flexibility work, pit bridges, backovers, 4-step jumps (some off ramp), run throughs, full jumps for Alex and Kasey at 4-0, 4-3, 4-4. Carson jumped at 5-6, 5-8. Brian and Mike at 5-6, 5-8, 5-10. Nate and Jerome at 5-10, 6-0, 6-2. Total jumps for most were in the 8-10 range.  At Marquette. Kasey, Nathalie, Nate, Mike, Andrew, Joe and Logan did a quick warm up 6x up/back hurdle progression and then   3-hurdle segments, starting at 2 into 3-4-5, 3 into 4-5-6 and so on to 7 into 8-9-10. Essentially, 6 reps covering 105 meters and 18 total hurdles. Calf stretches and out.

4/17  At Kern Center. High hurdle night had Nathalie, Brad, Joe, Jon and later Brian on hand. Did 3x3H 5-step (2x -3" and 1x race height). Took a practice start and then a 1H start at race height. Nathalie then did 4x4H a regular space and height. Men did 3 or 4x4H. Men finished up with a few 6-hurdle buildups, starting at 18' foot spacing and progressing in 2' increments to 26'. Everyone was working on making a few improvements: Nathalie consistency on steps to H1 and running a straighter line through the hurdles; Brad trying to get the lead leg to bend, cycle and get back down quicker, and flattening out the trail leg; Joe working to square up and get the lead aligned better and trail leg pulled through high to front, which was better when hips and shoulders were squared up; Jon worked on keeping the trail leg in tighter; Brian worked on everything as he scraped off some rust and made some nice adjustments -- good start mechanics and entry position to H1, working on 39s. Jon ran some quick split times -- all sub-1.2s all night. Joe was in mid to upper 1.2s most of night but got down to some mid-teens late in session after he squared up better.  Brad was in the mid to upper 1.3s most of the time, but had some faster and some slower, normal inconsistency for a first-year hurdler.

4/18  At Kern Center. Nathalie, Joe, Nate and Logan did a light 400H workout. Brief warm up and then 6x5H 1-step (1/2 oppo). Andrew trained earlier. Kasey was missing. Did a couple 1H starts, 3x3 relative spacing reps and then 4x3 random. Nate took a fall. Logan skipped a rep because of shins and to prep for 4x1 work. High jumpers did strength work.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wisconsin Lutheran: Joe PRs 110s; high jumpers go 2-3-4

4/13  At Wisconsin Lutheran. Strong performances by the high jumpers and hurdlers given the conditions -- 39 degrees, some wind and some sleet. Joe ran a PR 15. 71 (#2 all time) for third in 110H. He followed that up with a win in the 400H, clocking 57.01. Nate had another great performance in poor weather, clearing 6-2.75 for second in HJ. Jerome took 3rd (6-0.75), and Mike tied for 4th with 5-10.75. Also hitting the scoring column were Andrew with 6th in 400H (61.69) and Mike with 7th (61.87). Just outside the scoring was Logan in 9th (61.96). Nate was close to his PR, running 75.05. None of the women made the top 8 in their events, but Alex and Kasey both cleared 4-3.25 in HJ, Nathalie and Briel ran 19.06 and 21.03, respectively, in 100H, and Kasey and Nathalie ran PRs 1:19.85 (#4 all time) and 1:21.58 (#6 all time), respectively in 400H. Athlete of meet: Joe.

Complete results

Monday, April 8, 2013

Workouts: 4/8, 4/9, 4/10, 4/11

4/8  At Marquette. Warm up of circles, swings, skips and strides with an up/back hurdle progression of 5, 10, 15, 20 yards. 3x3H + cruise to H7 with attack on H8. Everyone was on pace through H3 and attacked well at 8. Took at least 10 minute recovery between reps. Finished with a stride-jog cool down and then some wall stretches. On hand: Nathalie, Kasey, Nate, Mike, Logan and Joe.

4/9  At Kern Center. Kasey, Nate and Alex jumped. After warm up, a few short approach jumps, then 5x run through, 2x opening height and then 6-8 jumps at 6-0 for Nate and 4-4 for Alex and Kasey. Nate showed good consistency and made every jump. Alex had more clearances than misses, Kasey made some good improvements late in the session -- jumping before turning.

4/10  At Kern Center. Joe, Brad and Nathalie worked highs. Warm up and a couple sets of heavy deadlifts with tuck jumps and elevated pushups. Some 6-step power hurdles and then 3x3H 5-step extended. Worked 1 to 4 at regular height and then 4 back to 1 at -3. Nathalie worked regular spacing. Men were -1. Foam rolled.

4/11  At Kern Center. Joe, Logan, Nate, Nathalie and Kasey did a light 400H workout inside. Warm up and then 4x5H 1-step with 1/2 oppo; 4x3H relative spacing; 3x3H random spacing. Foam rolling.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Carroll meet: Jonathon runs PR; everyone hits scoring column

At Carroll: Temps in mid-50s with moderate breezes made for tolerable conditions when it wasn't raining. Jonathon ran PR 16.70 (#6 all time) in prelims before clocking 17.99 in finals for 6th in 110H, having clipped a hurdle midway, which sent him into some 4- and 5-step segments. John also ran legs in 4x1 and 4x4 (55). Jerome had another good performance in HJ, clearing 6-3.5, good for 2nd. Carson took 4th at 5-7.75, shutting it down at that point with a tight hamstring. In 400H, Logan ran 61.17  (6.6 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.35 5.75 6 6 5.9 5.9) for 4th place, and Nate set a PR 74.40 in 9th. In women's events, Alex cleared 4-6 for 8th in HJ, while Kasey cleared 4-2. In 100H, Kasey took a fall but came back later to run PR 1:20.42 (#5 all time) for 8th in 400H (8.9 6.5 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.3 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.6 8.1). Athlete of the meet: Jerome.

Complete results

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Workouts: 4/4

4/4  At Hart Park. Nathalie and Nate warmed up and then did 4x3x1H 4-step power hurdles (1/2 oppo). 3x 1H pickup ~ 30m. 3x3H (33) at regular spacing off 3-pt start. 3x3+3 (30) with easy run between and 12-min recovery between reps. Split times: Nate: 5.5 to 6.6 + 7.0 to 7.4; Nathalie 6.0 to 6.8 + 6.9 to 7.1. Stretching and Gilles.