Monday, December 29, 2008

Robles - fast and proficient

Dayron Robles from Cuba is the best hurdler in the world. Take a look to see why. He is so fast, you will see him shuffle between hurdles -- not much knee lift or stride length -- to avoid getting too close. Even if you are not fast enough to have to shuffle, you can learn a lot in viewing his posture and position. Check out the arms, lead leg action, trail leg, body lean and recovery.

Chinese hurdlers show quick tempo

Check out this video. Chinese hurdlers. You can't understand the dialog, but you can hear the quick tempo of the footstrikes between hurdles. Quick, quick, quick. Impressive.

Friday, November 7, 2008

December Practice

Looking forward to getting started. Should be a good year for us individually, as a group and as a team. We have a lot of hurdlers this year, which is great. High jump is looking good, too.

When we begin Dec. 1, we will meet in the conference room on the top floor of the Kern Center at 4:15. After that we break into groups and do the workouts.

Throughout the year, we go 4:15 to 6 p.m. We typically practice Monday through Thursday and sometimes Friday when there is no Saturday meet.

On Mondays, I will work with men's high hurdles. Women high hurdlers, all intermediate hurdlers (except those also working highs) and high jumpers will train with the sprint group in the Kern Center.

On Tuesdays, I will work with all high jumpers. Hurdlers are doing recovery/tempo training with sprinters or working on a field event or two -- throws or vault and maybe horizontal jumps.

On Wednesdays, I will work with women's high hurdles. Sprinters and men hurdlers and jumpers will be going to the Pettit for sprint work.

On Thursdays, it's throws, horizontal jumps or recovery/tempo work.

On Fridays, I will work with intermediate hurdlers. Others will lift on their own any time that day.

Saturday and Sunday are off days. Rest and study.

After 3 weeks of this, you get Christmas break. You will need to figure out how you can train on your own during that time. I will post some ideas here that require little or no equipment or facilities.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


What kind of shape are you in? Some of you are running cross, which is good. Some of you are doing your own workouts, some are doing workouts suggested by other coaches and so on.

If you are not on any program, I suggest focusing on strength training and conditioning. Weight training 2-3x/week. Conditioning 2-3x/wk.

When we start team practice in December, we will be doing things along these lines (which you can do now if you like)...

Warmup: 5-10 min jogging, jump rope, exercises, bike, hurdle over/unders, or other activity to elevate heart rate and get warm and mobile. After warmup, go to weights...

Weights: Start with 3x10 elevated pushups and a core exercise such as 3x20 russian twists (seated with knees up, feet off the ground and twisting with a weight plate or dumbbell). Follow that with deadlifts – dropping the bar when it passes knees to minimize time under tension; 1-5 reps for 2-4 sets (about 10 reps total). If you have not done these before, men should start at 1.5x bodyweight (women at bodyweight or less) and add 5-10 lbs. per week to that. If you have been doing deadlifting, always work around 85-100% of max. Start with heavier sets first, then drop weight but try to increase reps on subsequent sets.

For example, Monday might be 1x100%, 2x95%, 3x90%, 4x85%. Wednesday might be 3x3x90%. Friday might be 1x2x95%, 2x4x85%. Right after set, do plyometrics (see below) or short acceleration (10m). After the plyo/acc, rest 4-5 min and then do next set. 20-30 min total. If you want to do supplemental lifts, do something involving shoulders -- dips, push press, shoulder press, etc. Again, work heavier with few reps -- similar to deadlift work.

Plyos: tuck jumps, split squats, box jumps, hops all can be used following deadlifts to incorporate elastic strength. About 9-10 jumps per set (3x3 boxes, 10 tuck jumps, 3x3 boxes, etc).

Acceleration: Once a week, preferably right after weights, do acceleration work. 10x10-20m repeats with 1-3 min recovery. Use 3-point start, falling start, block start, resisted start, short hills, stairs, etc.

On 2 or 3 days when you don't lift, do a conditioning activity...

Conditioning: circuit training, core work, tempo runs, other sports, fast walking, biking, jump rope, hills, stairs, cardio equipment, medicine ball throws, exercises (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, squat thrusts, bounding, hopping, skipping, etc) all can be used. These are low-intensity, high-volume activities to improve overall fitness and work capacity. Try to minimize impact by doing this stuff on grass or other soft surfaces. Try to exercise your heart and lungs without beating up your legs. What you do on these days depends on what you have available, how much time you have and what the weather is like. Short recovery (2 min or less) between activities/reps. Grass uphills around 80m are good if you have such a place – run up, walk down. If not, 1-3 sets of 5x100m on grass is good. Rest 30-40 seconds between reps and 2-4 min between sets. 20-30 min total.

Hurdles: In preseason, this is an option for a conditioning once a week. Emphasize technique and reps. Lots of low-speed hurdling. Can be half hurdle drills, 4H up and back, random spacing, opposite leg work, ½-space 3-step, 5 stepping, etc. Aim for about 100-150 total hurdles in a session (including any walkovers or other warmup hurdles). Start with low hurdles and go higher over time or within a workout.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Meets

Most of you will be busy this summer or just taking well-deserved rest. But if you are looking to compete this summer, here are some suggestions...

Check the USATF site. You can search for meets there but there are others, too...

6/12 UW Madison: Development Meet (enter at meet - low key)

6/18 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

6/21 Apple Valley MN: Kangaroo HJ Fesival

6/22 Carroll College: USATF WI (Entries due June 6)

6/25 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

6/28 UW Oshkosh: Badger State Games (WI athletes only. Entries due 6/11 mail or 6/23 online)

7/10 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

7/12 Sterling IL HS: (low key - mostly kids but open to all) I will add a link when available.

7/17 Waukesha South HS: Development Meet (enter at meet - low key - mostly kids)

7/24 Waukesha South HS: Development Meet

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Point Leaders

Who scored the most points in our group's events (hurdles and high jump) for the combined NAC indoor/outdoor meets? Here's the list...

20 Catherine
18 Heather
16 Alex
11 Kevin
7 Eric
3 Rob
2 Aaron

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Outdoor Power Rankings

5 Club
1. Dom Maio 800 (5.95)
2. Brian Seniuk 400 (5.85)
3. Dom Maio 1500 (5.84)
4. Brian Seniuk 100 (5.48)
5. 4x4 (5.40)
6. 4x1 (5.36)
7. Brian Seniuk 200 (5.26)
8. Ben Bichler 400 (5.19)
9. Heather Delany 800 (5.13)
10. Ben Bichler 800 (5.12)
11. Kyle Rate TJ (5.10)

Overfast Group
  1. Heather HJ (4.74)
  2. Kevin 110H (4.47)
  3. Alex 400H (4.38)
  4. Aaron HJ (4.14)
  5. Andy HJ (4.02)
  6. Kevin HJ (4.02)
  7. Eric 110H (3.59)
  8. Steve 400H (3.21)
  9. Eric 400H (3.19)
  10. Rob 400H (2.72)
  11. Mat 400H (2.63)
  12. Aaron 400H (2.02)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

5/10 Results

At Madison.

Rob 1:02.46
Steve 1:06.03

Complete Results

Sunday, May 4, 2008

5/3 Results

NAC Conference at Benedictine.

Strong contributions from hurdlers and high jumpers to help win the team championship under some difficult weather. Three places in both men's hurdles and men's high jump. Conference title and record for Heather in women's HJ.

Heather 4-11 [1st-Conference Record]
Alex 18.39 [6th-SB] 1:01.56 [5th] 5-9.25 [5th-SB]
Eric 16.83 [4th] 1:03.85 [8th-SB]
Rob 20.95 [8th] 1:02.35 [7th-SB]
Steve 1:04.81
Mat 1:06.17 [SB]
Aaron 5-7.25 [7th]
Kevin 5-5.25 [8th]
Andy 5-5.25

Complete Results

Outdoor Records / Performance Lists

MSOE Outdoor Records
Kevin Diederich 15.86 UW-Oshkosh 04/05/08
Catherine Chappell 15.23 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07
Ben Patterson 58.14 Olivet Nazarene 04/21/07
Heather DeLany 65.47 UW-River Falls 05/06/05
Adam Lewis 6-2 Ripon 04/28/01
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07

2008 MSOE Performance List
Kevin Diederich 15.86*
Eric Hein 16.73
Alex Raver 18.39
Rob Coehoorn 20.75
Alex Raver 61.40
Rob Coehoorn 62.35
Steve Doocy 63.74
Eric Hein 63.85
Mat Johnson 66.17
Aaron Choate 68.84
Alex Raver 5-9.25
Aaron Choate 5-7.75
Andy Donalds 5-7
Kevin Diederich 5-7
Heather DeLany 4-11

* School record

2008 NAC Performance List

Monday, April 28, 2008

4/26 Results

At Ripon.
Alex was the only one to score -- 8th in the 400H. High jumpers performed well for the conditions, which were tough. Most reached outdoor season best.

2.62/1.29/1.33/1.32/1.55/1.52/1.70/1.72/1.70/1.80/1.88 18.43
NH 38-02.75
6.84/4.84/4.88/4.96/5.27/5.47/5.83/6.16/6.26/6.27/7.19 63.97 [SB]
5-7 [SB] 17-5.5
7/4.57/4.76/4.88/5.09/5.48/5.71/6.10/6.18/5.89/6.53 62.19 [8th]
5-8.75 [SB]
5-7 [SB] 116-6

Complete Results: Men Women

Monday, April 21, 2008

4/19 Results

At Benedictine.
Heather had the top finish with a 7th in HJ.
Eric picked up 8th in 110H. Good improvements in 400H.

Eric 2.56/1.26/1.3/1.4/1.34/1.38/1.4/1.44/1.4/1.46/1.7 17.08 [8th] 64.06 [PR]
Aaron 68.94 [PR] 5-5.25 19-3.5
Rob 65.79 [SB]
Mat 66.63 [SB]
Steve 63.74 [PR] 16-10.5
Andy NH 18-1.5
Alex 7.15/4.72/4.81/4.81/4.90/5.16/5.41/5.49/5.98/6.03/6.57 61.40 [PR] NH
Heather 4-11 [7th] 2:27.72 [SB] 63.78

Complete Results

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dead Max

Current DL max weights (x bodyweight)…

510 Kevin (2.75)
470 Ryan (2.6)
460 Rob (2.55)
450 Z (2.37)
420 Eric (2.2)
400 Alex (2.75)
380 Steve (2.53)
370 Mat (2.24)

Monday, April 7, 2008

4/5 Results

At Oshkosh.
Kevin set a school record in the 110H and qualified for the final.

Kevin 15.86 [SR]
Eric 16.73 67.36
Aaron DQ 69.64 38-11 5-7.75
Mat 67.51
Steve 6.86/5.16/5.o5/5.03/5.41/5.98/6.50/6.77/6.94/7.38 68.49 17-4.75
Andy 5-5.75 19-0.75
Alex NH 37-3
Heather 4-9.75 61.51 [7th] 2:27.99 [7th]

Complete results Men Women
Aaron clears 5-7.75>>

Thursday, April 3, 2008

4/19 Meet Info

At Benedictine

10 a.m.
Long Jump - (2 pits) followed by Triple Jump (2 pits)
High Jump – men followed by women
Pole Vault – women followed by men
Shot Put – m/w whoever finishes discus/hammer 1st
Javelin – m/w whoever finishes discus/hammer 2nd

Women first, followed by men-unless stated otherwise
9:30 a.m.
10,000 Meters (W)
10,000 Meters (M)
5,000 Meters (W)
3,000 Meter Steeplechase (M)
3,000 Meter Steeplechase (W)

12:45 p.m.
400 Meter Relay
1,500 Meters
100 Meter Hurdles-Finals
110 Meter Hurdles-Finals
400 Meters
100 Meters-Finals
800 Meters
400 Meter Hurdles
200 Meters
5,000 Meters (M)
1,600 Meter Relay
All races will be run fast heat/sections first

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Days You Don't Hurdle

If you are not in a field event, what do you do on the days you don't hurdle?

Do a general warmup: over/under, mobility circles, hip swings, skip drills (forward, back, extension), run drills (high knees, back, quick leg) and 5 easy 40m strides. This will take about 15 minutes.

If inside: 2x5x160 with 1/2 lap walk recovery between reps and 1 lap walk between sets. 4-lap cruisedown and stretch. This will take about 15 minutes.

If outside on a Tuesday: 2x2x200 @ your 2nd 200 of a 400 pace (about 2 seconds slower than your first 200). For example, if you run a 60, your first 200 would be 29 and your second 31, so you target a 31 for the first 200 and 31 or faster for the second 200 in the set. You rest 2 minutes between the 2 200s and then 10-15 minutes between the two sets (and before doing the cruise down that follows) 2-lap cruisedown (run 200, float 200, jog 200, walk 200) and stretch. This will take about 30 minutes.

If outside on a Thursday: 2x5x100 @ 75% or slower. If you run 100m in about 12.5, you should run these tempo 100s in about 16 to 17 seconds. Your rest between reps is about 40-45 seconds and about 4 minutes (walk a lap) between sets. You don't need to be too time conscious with these, but you don't want them to get too fast so it becomes a higher intensity workout.
Follow this with stretching. This will take about 20 minutes.

These workouts are lower intensity and develop your general conditioning and work capacity while providing some recovery. The Tuesday outdoor workout also targets 400m pacing.

Outdoor Lifting

Because of time limitations when we go outside, you will need to lift either earlier in the day or later in the evening. Occasionally, you can skip the lifting altogether, but it's better if you can get it in so you are not reduced to once a week. You won't make gains with that, but you will be able to maintain the strength you have.

You know the routine, but if you work alone, you will need to drop the weights when you clear your knees rather than relying on spotters. Use the locking sleeves to keep the weights on. If you get complaints about dropping the weight, you can lower it but don't do any more than 2 to 3 reps in a set. You don't want to stay under tension longer than that.

As per usual, work in a total rep range of 6 to 10.

2x95%, 3x90%, 4x85% is a good default.
If you are feeling tired, sore, etc., work more around 85% (3x3x85% for example).
If you are feeling strong, you could do 4x2x95%
Or 3x3x90%. You get the idea.

Always do plyos after sets. Singles or doubles, with or without boxes, on/off or just over all work.

Remember to rest 4-5 minutes between sets.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Break Workout Guidelines

I could prescribe some specifics, but you need to figure this out on your own based on several factors:

Your health. Are you hurt or fatigued?
Facilities. What do you have access to? (weights, outdoor track, indoor track, other stuff)
Weather. Is it good enough to go outside?
Needs. What areas are you most trying to improve? (conditioning, technique, speed, strength)

Most of you need to continue to work on the following components. You might emphasize some over others, depending on the factors cited above.

Strength (2 or 3 times during the break)
Stick with our weight protocol if you can. If you can’t access enough free weights for the deads, you can substitute using cleans, step ups or squats. If you only can access machines, you can use leg press or hack squat machines. If you only have bodyweight to work with, do single leg squats and add plyometrics – quick hopping – within a minute after a set. If you don’t do weights at all, do more vigorous plyometrics with less emphasis on quickness and more on power – big hops, skips, bounds and jumps (dropping off a 2-foot platform, landing and springing upward quickly). Keep the total number of ground contacts for plyos to about 50 (5x10 or 10x5, for example). If you do them in conjunction with the lifting – about 9 contacts per set.

Skill (1 or 2 times – preferably on a strength day)
If you can access hurdles, do the drill work as per usual and if the weather is good, you can do some fast stuff over 3 to 5 hurdles (discounted distance and/or height). Keep the total volume around 20 to 30 hurdles total. If the weather is poor, you can still hurdle, but don’t worry about speed. Do up-and-back hurdles using 4 or 5 hurdles in one direction, 5-stepping up and then 5-stepping back over 4 or 5 more set in the other direction. You also could do this with 3-stepping but at the ½ space arrangement you have done in practice.

For intermediates, work on counting and stride pattern between 3 hurdles. Bigger, faster guys are going for 15 strides. For others, the target may be 16 to 19. Run the 3 and then walk the remaining part of the track and go again. Repeat 5x. After that, do a couple randomly spaced hurdles on the curve and/or straight to work on your ability to position yourself to take off at an appropriate distance from the hurdle and to work with either leg as it comes up.

Time permitting, you always can do drill work after the main part of the workout to work on technique. Of course, use an appropriate warmup before any of these workouts. And a cooldown and stretching after.

If you have access to field event equipment and facilities, you could do some work there, too, especially approach work for jumps. You could do some jumps if conditions are good enough.

Speed (1 or 2 times – preferably on a strength day)
If you are outside, you can do these a little longer than we could do inside. Something around 40 to 50 meters is good for now (if you are on a track marked for 400 meter hurdles, it’s the distance from the last hurdle to the finish. If marked for 300 hurdles, you can use the second last hurdle to the finish, which is 45 meters. Another option is to use the 8.5m hurdle marks – 6 segments = 51m. Use about 20 to 25m for a fly-in and then time the segment if you have a stopwatch. Run reps until your time drops off by a tenth or so, but no more than 10. Take 4-5 minutes rest between each. After 5, you can reduce the recovery by a minute if you want. After 7, you can reduce it by another minute if you want. Just remember to stop when you can’t make the cutoff. Otherwise, it’s not a speed workout.

Conditioning (between the speed or skill days)

Extensive tempo runs work well here – 2x6x100m with 45 seconds rest between reps and 2 minutes between sets. Keep the intensity relatively low – 15 to 18 seconds. You also could run 200s or 300s at similar pace. If you do 200s instead, run 2x3x200 31-37 seconds. If 300s, go 2x2x300 at 48-54. Remember, this is just conditioning/recovery, so don’t get carried away here, even though the pace may seem a little slow. If you have somewhere where you can do this on grass, even better. Don’t even deal with time in that situation. Time isn’t important with these; it’s just to help you make sure you aren’t going too fast. A good gauge is whether you can carry on a conversation or not. If you can’t, you’re going too fast.

There are lots of other things you can do for general conditioning: medicine ball work, calisthenics, biking, other sports and such. The key here is that whatever you do, keep intensity low, volume high, recovery short.

Rest – don’t train every day. Take a day or two off. If you are hurt or tired, even more.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chaps Takes 5th at Nationals

Gaining All-American honors in track for the second time, Catherine Chappell leaped 18-0.25 to finish 5th at the DIII indoor championship in Ada, OH. Last year, Chaps finished 5th at outdoor nationals in the heptathlon. Awesome year and career. We salute the lieutenant as she moves from track runways to airfield runways.

Complete Results

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Power Rankings

Here are our team and group individual leaders in the D3Rankings, which is a power ranking of all participating D3 teams. Here is everyone on the team with a performance of 5.0 or more and everyone's performance in our group.
  1. Catherine Chappell HJ 5.88
  2. Brian Seniuk 400 5.79
  3. Dom Maio 800 5.75
  4. Dom Maio 1600 5.70
  5. Catherine Chappell 55 5.69
  6. Kevin Diederich 55H 5.55
  7. Catherine Chappell LJ 5.54
  8. Heather DeLany HJ 5.48
  9. DMR 5.45
  10. Josh Uelman 55 5.33
  11. Casey Cummings 55 5.30
  12. Catherine Chappell 55H 5.27
  13. Caleb Hahn 55 5.25
  14. Catherine Chappell SP 5.23
  15. 1600R 5.23
  16. Kevin Diederich LJ 5.18
  17. Kyle Rate TJ 5.09
  18. Joe Phillips 400 5.09
  19. Alex Raver HJ 5.07
  20. Ben Bichler 800 5.00
  • Alex 400 (4.24) 55H (1.78) TJ (4.24)
  • Rob 400 (4.20) 55H (3.29)
  • Eric 55H (4.27)
  • Aaron HJ (4.45) LJ (4.62)
  • Kevin HJ (4.14) SP (1.57)
  • Andy HJ (4.08) LJ (3.84) TJ (3.22)
  • Tony HJ (3.54) TJ (3.68)
  • Mat PV (3.91)
  • Heather 400 (4.68) 800 (4.35)
  • Catherine WT (1.32)

Monday, March 10, 2008

3/7 Results

At Carthage.
Kevin set two school records, winning the 55H and placing fourth in LJ.
Catherine set a record in winning the HJ, just missing national qualifying.
Kevin 7.97/7.94 [1st-SR] (1.145 split avg) 21-9.5 [4th-SR]
Catherine 5-3.75 [1st-SR]

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

2/29 NAC Results

NAC at Carthage.
Great day for the team and our group.
Kevin and Catherine won the 55H, setting conference records. Catherine and Heather went 1-2 in the HJ, with Chaps setting a conference mark and tying Heather's school record. Catherine's win in the LJ, qualified her for nationals. She also was named outstanding women's field event performer. Congratulations to all.
Eric 8.67 [8th]
Kevin 8.01 [1st-CR] 21-7.5 [2nd-SR] 5-7.25
Aaron 20-9 [5th-PR]
Catherine 8.92 [1st-CR] 7.49/7.49 [2nd] 26.41 [2nd-SR] 42-1.25 [1st-CR] 18-1.25 [1st-SR/CR/NatQ] 1.60 [1st-SR/CR]
Anthony 39-1 [SB]
Rob 55.76 9.08
Alex 5-9.25 [4th]
Andy 5-7.25 [SB]
Heather 5-1 [2nd] 1:02.21 [2nd-SR] 2:32.02 [1st]
Steve 2:14.96 [SB] 17-.25 [SB]

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Indoor Records / Performance List

School Indoor Records
Kevin Diederich 7.94 Carthage 3/07/08
Catherine Chappell 8.81 Northern MI 2/09/08
Alex Raver 6-1.5 Carthage 1/19/08
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 Carthage 3/07/08

2008 Performance List
Kevin Diederich 7.94*
Eric Hein 8.54
Catherine Chappell 8.81*
Rob Coehoorn 9.07
Alex Raver 10.02
Alex Raver 6-1.5*
Aaron Choate 5-9.75
Kevin Diederich 5-7.75
Andy Donalds 5-7.25
Tony Pleshek 5-3.75
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75*
Heather DeLany 5-1.75

* School record

NAC Performance List

Conference Records
55H M 8.01 W 8.92
HJ M 6-5 W 5-3

Special Awards
Catherine was NAC athlete of the Week for Jan. 21-27 and Feb. 11-17.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2/16 Results

At Platteville.
Great day for Kevin with school records in the 55H and LJ.
Catherine also set records in the 55 and 200.
Let's get ready for NAC.

Eric 8.77 1:00.33
Kevin 8.08/7.99 [5th-SR] 20-10.5 [SR] 5-5.25
Aaron 18-3
Catherine 7.46/7.41 [2nd-SR] 26.49 [1st-SR] 42-6.75 [2nd] 16-11.25 [1st]
Anthony 38-11 [SB]
Rob 24.96 9.20
Alex 5-11.25 38-10.5
Heather 5-1 [2nd] 1:03.34

Complete results.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2/9 Results

At Northern Michigan.
Great performances all around.
Congratulations to Catherine for school records in the 55H, WT and LJ. Mat in PV.
PRs for Robert and Eric. Great debut for Rob.

Eric 8.67/8.54 [3rd-PR] 58r
Kevin 8.09/8.06 [2nd]
Aaron 5-5 [7th] 24.56 19-9.25 [7th]
Mat 13-0 [1st-SR] 58r
Catherine 8.81[SR]/11.07[6th] 5-2 [1st] 17-11.5 [2nd-SR] 42-7 [1st] 34-1 [7th-SR]
Anthony 38-8.5 [7th]
Andy 5-3
Rob 9.07 [8th] 25.11 55.08

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February Training Schedule

  • M W+P; 5x2H 5stp+3stp starts; 3x160 (+3, 2>1:30)
  • T HJ / Field events -- or 2x5x160 ez 1/2-lap rec
  • W W+P; 5x4H 5stp+3stp; [400H: 2x320+80]; 17m flys
  • T Field Events -- or 2x5x160 ez 1/2-lap rec
  • F Optional: W+P; Warmup
  • S Race

Monday, February 4, 2008

2/2 Results

At Cathage.
Congratulations to Kevin for 55HH twice breaking the school record and winning the event.
Eric dropped his PR by whopping .5 second to enter the world of sub 9.
Heather flirted with a school record in the high jump.and established one in the 600.
Some prelim TJs were not in the final results, and I don't have relay splits.

Eric 8.83 [PR] 58r
Kevin 5-7.75 25.21
2.68/1.22/1.15/1.13/1.17/.55 8.12 [SR]
2.62/1.13/1.20/1.18/1.20/.51 8.04 [1st-SR]
Heather 5-1.75 [6th] 2:29.3o [SR] 1:44.15 [8th-SR]
Aaron 5-10.75 27.12(?)
Mat 12-6
Anthony 26.87
Andy 19-3.25

Complete results

Monday, January 28, 2008

1/28 NAC Performance List



1/26 Results

At Whitewater.
Congratulations to Kevin for 55HH and LJ school records, and to Catherine for 55HH, SP, LJ records and three first place finishes and one second place, including a national provisional qualifying shot put. Also, Heather set a record in the 800.
6-0 [T4th] 54.95 53.3r
2.70/1.41/1.42/1.46/1.39/.97 9.34
60.08 61.6r
23.90r 55.27 25.55 54+r
12-6 59.7r 26.45
8.43 [SR] 34-2 20-8.5 [SR]
2.71/1.28/1.21/1.24/1.24/1.30 8.98
2.73/1.21/1.26/1.20/1.31/1.13 8.84 [1st-SR]
42-11 [1st-SR; Natl provisional qualifier]
5-2 [2nd] 16-11 [1st-SR]
5-0 [5th] 2:29.3o [SR]

Complete results

Monday, January 21, 2008

2/2 Info/Entries

Tentative Entries
55H: Eric, Kevin
HJ: Alex, Kevin, Anthony, Heather
Rob: Probably a 4 and a 2, open or relay
Mat: Probably a 4 or a 2, open or relay
Alex: Probably a relay 4

1/8" pyramid

*WEIGHT THROW(men followed by women)
LONG JUMP(men – south pit / women – north pit)
POLE VAULT (men followed by women)
HIGH JUMP(women followed by men)
TRIPLE JUMP(to follow completion of long jump)
*SHOT PUT(to follow completion of weight throw – m/w)
*Meet management reserves the right to put down a minimum mark line based onthe number of entries in the throwing events

All events run as sections against time. Fast sections will run first!
Women first, followed by men – unless stated otherwise.
5000 METER RUN (women)
3000 METER RUN (men)
55 METER HURDLE – FINAL (men followed by women – 2 sections each)
55 METER DASH – FINAL (2 sections each)
3000 METER RUN (women)
5000 METER RUN (men)

2007 Results

1/19 Results

At Carthage. Congratulations to Alex for a school record high jump and an 8th place triple jump along with a strong leg in the 4x4.
3.02/1.66/1.74/1.86/1.81/.71 11.19
6-1.5 [3rd-SR] (25)53.5r 41-3.25[8th]
2.78/1.37/1.33/1.48/1.43/.84 9.34 (28.5)60
25.47 56.39
11-5.75 (28.5)60 26.16
5-5.75 32-9
27.97 5-3.75 37-8.5
5-3.75 37-2.5

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What to bring

A checklist of things to bring to indoor meets
  • Uniform
  • Warmups
  • Spikes
  • Bag for your stuff
  • Diversions for downtime (mp3/book)
  • Healthy snack (apples are good)
  • Marking tape/chalk for field events
  • Tape measure for field events
  • Other things you need?

We typically have team snacks, drinks, marking material, tape measures, spike elements, etc., but it's a good idea to have your own stuff just in case.

Find out where your events fall in the schedule and plan your warmup accordingly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1/18 Workout

I will likely come in around 4-4:30 on Friday.
If you choose to work at another time, here's the plan, which will be fairly typical for a Friday before a meet. For Friday's practice, leave out the hurdling shown in red but include that in your pre-race warmup on Saturday. If you go to the hurdles from another event, you can eliminate some of the general items at the beginning of the list and move right into the more specific and intense aspects of the warmup. If you need to, print the list and bring it along to the meet until it becomes routine. Feel free to modify it to meet your needs -- just make sure you know what you will do and how long it will take to do it.

Weights/Plyos (20-30 min)
1x95% 2x90% 3x85%

KVN 450/430 /410
ROB 400/380/360
ERC/ALX 360/340/310
MAT 320/300/280
CAT 260/240/220

Pre-meet Warmup (20-30 min)
3 min jog or light exercises
Mobility circles
Leg swings
Hurdle over/unders
Hurdle walkovers
Skips (forward, extension, backward)
Runs (hi knees, backward, quickleg)
50m stride
40m acceleration
30m falling start
8-step 3pt start
Standing start over 3 hurdles 1-2x
Block start over 2 hurdles 1-2x
Block start over 1 hurdle 1-2x

Stretch (10 min)

Pre-meet Warmup

Before the first meet, plan your warmup.
Some general guidelines:
  • Know how much time you need prior to your event.
  • Know if you want to warmup alone or with a group or partner.
  • Know when to start your warmup. Avoid rushing to warmup.
  • Start from general exercises and move to specific event-related activities.
  • Start with low intensity and progress to high intensity pre-comp efforts.
  • Practice your warmup. Write it down if you need to.
  • Keep your warmup consistent but adjust for conditions when necessary.
  • Don't do static stretching until after your final event.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Individualized Training Schedules

On meet weeks, we will be splitting up our workouts this way most of the time. If we don't have a meet, we will move 160s to Fri. When we have a meet, we will lift (1-2 sets at 85-90%) and then do a pre-comp-style warmup. Get flys into your program at least once during the week -- probably on a Tue or Thu.

T- Flys or Recovery
W-Weights/Hurdles (Flys if not on Tue)
T- Recovery (Sprint Group) or Flys
W-Weights/Hurdles (Flys if not on Tue)
T- Sprint Group (or Flys if not on Tue or Wed)
ALX Add Flys on either Tue, Wed or Thu
ROB Do Flys on either Tue or Thu
T- Recovery (Sprint Group) or Flys
T- Sprint Group or Flys
MAT Add Flys on either Tue or Thu

Chaps: Will hurdle on Wed.

Let me know if you have questions or other ideas.