Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Outdoor Lifting

Because of time limitations when we go outside, you will need to lift either earlier in the day or later in the evening. Occasionally, you can skip the lifting altogether, but it's better if you can get it in so you are not reduced to once a week. You won't make gains with that, but you will be able to maintain the strength you have.

You know the routine, but if you work alone, you will need to drop the weights when you clear your knees rather than relying on spotters. Use the locking sleeves to keep the weights on. If you get complaints about dropping the weight, you can lower it but don't do any more than 2 to 3 reps in a set. You don't want to stay under tension longer than that.

As per usual, work in a total rep range of 6 to 10.

2x95%, 3x90%, 4x85% is a good default.
If you are feeling tired, sore, etc., work more around 85% (3x3x85% for example).
If you are feeling strong, you could do 4x2x95%
Or 3x3x90%. You get the idea.

Always do plyos after sets. Singles or doubles, with or without boxes, on/off or just over all work.

Remember to rest 4-5 minutes between sets.

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