Monday, April 7, 2008

4/5 Results

At Oshkosh.
Kevin set a school record in the 110H and qualified for the final.

Kevin 15.86 [SR]
Eric 16.73 67.36
Aaron DQ 69.64 38-11 5-7.75
Mat 67.51
Steve 6.86/5.16/5.o5/5.03/5.41/5.98/6.50/6.77/6.94/7.38 68.49 17-4.75
Andy 5-5.75 19-0.75
Alex NH 37-3
Heather 4-9.75 61.51 [7th] 2:27.99 [7th]

Complete results Men Women
Aaron clears 5-7.75>>

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