Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Week 14: 2/2, 2/1, 1/31, 1/30, 1/29

2/2 KC. Pre-meet warm up or rest day.

2/1 KC. Most did horizontal jumps or throws while others did a recovery workout.

1/31 KC. Lea warmed up and then left for class. Holly was doing no-impact training to protect her foot. Jess, Maia, Hayden and later Des, completed the workout. Began with foam rolling, swings, cycles and pullovers. A-B and back skips, alt quick leg, side shuffles, switch hops, straight leg run, then dribbles and bursts. 4x14 wickets (6-0 to 6-4). 2x8.5 fly sprints (Bests: Jess 1.03, Maia PR1.10, Hayden 1.06 (converted to 9.14). Hurdle drills: marching 3s, 1/2-space3s, speedbuilders. 2-3x H1 3-pt starts with mats at step 7 and 8. 2x3H (30 -1), 2x4H (30 -1). Comments: Jess worked on her start and ended up with a good one when she "got up" and ran. Shaved about .05 in first split, which she was able to maintain throughout (1.2). Maia had some good reps but was a little inconsistent. Her best splits were in mid-1.4 but ranged into low 1.5s. Des had some solid reps over 3 and 4, getting her 3s and some in low to mid-1.3s, but she also had some where she wouldn't take off and picked up the hurdle. Hayden continued to make rapid progress. He got his 8-step at race space, and he started to push in and stay forward better. Lead foot still is leading. Need some work there. Expected inconsistencies at such an early stage. He ran the same spacing and height as the women and turned splits in mid-1.3s later in workout.

1/30 KC. Independent warm up -- AlexJ, Katie, Bianca, Maia, Hayden, Lea, Rachel, Keaton, Nick and Alex. Divided group into lefties and righties. Lefties started with ramp jumps while the righties did a couple sets in weight room. The groups then switched. Finished with fixed height jumps -- about 2-3" under season best heights. AlexJ and Katie at 4-3, Bianca and Maia 4-6, Rachel, Lea and Hayden 4-9, Keaton and Alex 5-3. Nick at 5-9. Finished 5 rotations.

1/29 Pettit. Usual warm series. Jess, Maia and Deven did 100-100-100-300 at 400 race pace. 100 targets: Deven:14.2 (58), Jess: 15.4 (63), Maia sub17 (sub69). 300 targets: Deven 44-45, Jess 48-49, Maia sub53. Because they had time and felt able to do more, they tried an extra 300. That one didn't pan out so well, according to reports. Cool down and stretch.

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