Monday, January 22, 2018

Week 13: 1/24, 1/23, 1/22

1/24 KC. Maia, Des, Jess, Bianca, Lea and Hayden did hurdle training. Started with rolls, swings, cycles, pullover trail freezes. Moved into forward and backward skips, side shuffles, switch hops, straight leg runs, cariocas, b skips, alternating quick leg. Dribbles and bursts. 3x14 wickets from 6-0 to 6-4. 3x 3H 1-steppers, 6H speedbuilders, 4-step power hurdle to 1-step. 3x2H, 3x3H (30 -1). Star plank 20 sec L+R and KB strength series. Comments: Jess was good throughout, running splits in 1.2-1.3 range. Maia improved H1 position and was consistent with her 4s at 1.5. Des also improved her block exit and improved her position at H1 and sprinted through to H2 and H3 very well on a couple later reps. She ran around 1.35 on her 3s. Bianca and Lea had to leave after warm up. Looking for other nights to train. Probably Monday at 6 for Lea and Tuesday at 6 for Bianca (or maybe Sunday afternoon). First night for Hayden. Kept things low and slow, and focused on some basic principles. He did all the drills and stayed on the power + 1 at the end.

1/23 KC. Lots of jumpers for this workout: Alex, Hayden, Bianca, Michaela, Rachel, Keaton, Nick and Maia. Sam had shin issues and went to trainer. Lea still had some soreness in either the sartorius, gracilis or rectus femoris (inner thigh/groin). Katie was missing. Group did some flexibility work and individualized warm up before we started a competition-style practice with 2" increments and 4 miss limit per height. Rachel, Nick and Keaton did some bench jumping at the end -- step up pops, side pops and double-leg up with single leg freeze drops.

1/22 KC. Deven, Jess, Holly, Maia and Des did 400H training. Started with foam rolling, 90-90, swings, cycles, pullover trail freezes. 30m forward and backward skips, switch hops, straight leg runs, L+R shuffles, L+R cariocas, quick legs, B skips. Dribbles plus bursts. 4x14 wickets at 6-0 spacing. Hurdle drills were 4x3H 1-steppers (2L+2R), 4x4H 2-steppers, 4-step power hurdle (2L+2R). 6x up-back-up with 3 random-spaced hurdles (27s and 30s). Rudiments (double and single mini hops, forward, backward, sideways). Foam rolling. 5-min bike cool down.

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