Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week 12: 1/16, 1/15

1/17 KC. Jess, Holly, Bianca and Lea were joined later by Des. Bianca and Lea left early -- may need to figure out a better practice day/time. Started with rolling, mobility and flexibility done independently. Skips, shuffles, switches, straight-leg run, cariocas, dribbles and 30m wickets. Drills were 1-steppers, tight 3s, 4-step power hurdles. Block starts with and without H1 (33) (Bests: Jess 2.19/2.10, Holly 2.27/2.20, Maia 2.19/2.45, Des 2.11/2.22). 2x2 side-by-side starts (30 -1); 3x3H. Hand-times splits were around 1.25 for Holly and Jess, 1.40 for Des, 1.50 for Maia. Ended with a kettlebell series -- 14 exercises.

1/16 KC. High jumpers included Sam and Keaton as well as Lea, Rachel, Maia, Katie, Bianca, Michaela and special guest Alex. Independent warm up and then some 1/2-circle approaches to lean away from bar. Moved to full run throughs and then full jump at 3" increments, going up on makes and down on misses. Women were jumping in 4-2 to 4-8 range. Keaton was around 5-5. Sam around 4-11. Hurdlers were off or doing field events.

1/15 Pettit. Deven, Holly, Jess were joined by McCoy and Jerica for 400m training. Warmed up with stride drills and a warm up lap of various speeds before 3x300 on 8 min recovery, targeting race pace +3.  Everyone was close to target times for all reps. Did a cool down lap and some stretches. Sprint hurdlers and high jumpers did a circuit or trained with sprint group.

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