Monday, January 8, 2018

Week 11: 1/11, 1/10, 1/9, 1/8

1/11 KC. Most did field event work. Some did the regeneration circuit.

1/10 KC. Hurdlers included Lea, Holly, Jess, Des, Maia, Bianca -- and a special appearance by Deven. Mobility work until group was ready to go into warm up: A skip, B skip, switch hops, straight leg, shuffle, carioca, knee-calf-ankle dribbles  plus bursts. Wickets from 6-0 to 6-2 with 1/2H walkovers on walk back. 1/2-space3s. 2x2 at -1 and race space at -3". Side-by-side starts over 4 at -2 and one at -1. 2x30 timed accelerations. Bests: Jess 4.68, Holly 4.64, Maia 4.90, Des 4.47, Lea 4.44, Deven 4.22. Having run the 30s at the end of practice, the times were not as fast as they might have been had we not done the wickets and fast hurdle reps first. We'll do it fresh next time. Hurdle reps went well. Holly and Jess were running in 1.2 area. Des had some sub 1.4s and Maia was around 1.4. Didn't time Bianca, but she was able to handle the 3-stepping for the first time. Lea also got through a 3-step rep at -2' as Bianca had.

1/9 KC. High jumpers included Maia, Bianca, Lea, Michaela, Rachel, Sam and Keaton. Rehearsed pre-comp warm up and then did competition-style jumping at 3" increments until 3 misses and then down 3" with 3 more attempts. Lea cleared 4-10.5 and took a hard hit to nose from her own knee on landing; Maia cleared 4-4.5 and had some good jumps at 4-7.5 just clipping with heels. Bianca was long into takeoff and long over the bar, and cleared 4-4.5, but could benefit from a quicker, shorter last step to improve vertical drive. Rachel cleared 4-7.5 and made some good improvements in maxing her vert before starting layout. Michaela struggled with approach and takeoff point, diving toward bar. Tried some adjustments, moving in a bit to force a steeper takeoff angle, which seemed to improve things a little, but there's more work to do. She cleared 4-4.5. Sam made a very good adjustment in getting his back to the bar and speeding up his approach. He got over 4-7.5. Keaton got over 5-4.5 and had some good attempts at 5-9. Had some active takeoffs and better rotations.

1/8 KC. First night of next cycle. 400H training. Noah, Deven, Brian, Jess, Holly, Maia and later Des and Jacob. Started with mobility and then 30m f/b skips, switch hops, side shuffles, cariocas, dribbles. 4x10 wickets at 5-10 and 6-2 spacing (18/17 equivalent). 9x 3H 7-step at 17-step equivalent -3 -- pretty tight for some, a little long for others, but we were after the conditioning component more than the race rhythm, so we compromised a bit. Recovery was a walk around remainder of track. Finished with rudiments -- doubles and singles - fwd, bkw, sideways L+R. Stretched and rolled. Noah injured his hamstring on one of the later reps. Didn't seem too bad, but there's no such thing as a good hamstring injury. High jumpers trained independently with a circuit or with sprinters.

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