Monday, January 30, 2017

Workouts: 2/2, 2/1, 1/31, 1/30

2/2 KC. Most did a recovery circuit on their own. Jordan got some high jumping, having been cleared from concussion. Adjusted Jordan's approach a bit and added a little speed to takeoff. Improved arm block and rotation.

2/1 KC. Split session with men and women. Women were first. After mobility, some window posts, dribbles, over-knee pick ups, 1-steps, 5-steps and power hurdles. Emphasized lead leg fold and cycle throughout session. After drills, block starts over H1 3-4 times and H3 3-4 times. Got times on most reps. (H1: Des 2.22, Jess 2.28, Maia 2.29, Chris 2.23, Ben 2.18; Split: Des PR 1.39, Jess 1.50, Chris 1.43, Ben 1.46) Comments: Difficult night for some. Maia had the worst of it going down once and have a couple of near crashes a couple of other times, but her rhythm into H1 was better. Struggled with the 33, but did well at 24 and 27. Her rhythm and oppo with the 4-step on the H3s was good. Jess was having a quad problem, so she was sub-par on the reps she did before we shut her down. Des balked on H1 at times, but she had some good reps, too, including her fastest trip ever between two hurdles. Chris made some adjustments on start and continues to show better separation between lead and trail, though he still is a bit tardy on cycling the lead leg, particularly on H1. Ben was a little out of sorts and struggled a bit, but he got through most reps, albeit with some noisy hurdles. Maia, Ben and Chris did some strength work (kb swings, kb jump squats, box drops, push ups).

1/31 KC. Jordan, Maia, Rachel, Alex, Collin warmed up individually and then did some short approach jumps, 10-step approaches, scissors jumps, u-turns and full jumps. 4-6.5 for women, about 5-4.5 for men. Focused mostly on getting up, which seems obvious, but most had been jumping across bar instead of jumping up in front of bar, letting momentum from run up carry them across. Jordan was limited to scissors jumps because of Saturday's mild concussion. Collin had some improvement in approach and got some height on some jumps, but rotation on one axis (getting back to bar) and rotation on the other axis (wrapping around the bar) were still lacking. We tried a few jump turns on the ground to get a better feel for what's needed, and he was able to do that, and we did a few easy 4-step jumps to try to do the same -- with some success. Need to get more of those next time.

1/30 Pettit. McCoy, Devon, Ben, Owen, Jess, Maia and Tyler did 400 training. A few mobility exercises and dribble series before 3x100, walking remainder of track for recovery. Targeted opening 100 of 400 (24.5% of target time). 3x200 at average 400 pace followed (also with remainder of lap recovery). Walk/jog cool down and stretching. Times (target):
McCoy (13.2) 13.3 13.1 13.5 (27) 26.7 26.7 28.4
Devon (13.7) 13.6 13.8 13.7 (28.5) 29 28.5 28.7
Ben (14.4) 13.7 13.4 14.2 (29.5) 31 31.9 33
Owen (?) 14.9 14.6 13.7 (?) 31 30.3 31 -- looks like 60 pace
Jess (15.4) 16.1 15.6 15.5 (31.5) 31.4 31.3 31.8
Maia (17.1) 16.4 16.7 16.9 (34.5) 33.8 33.3 33
Tyler - no target time for 400, ran with Maia

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Parkside: Jess wins 55H, close to PR; Ben cracks all-time top 10

1/28 Kenosha. Jess ran 10.07 (converted), just .05 off her PR, but fast enough to get a win. Ben got a PR, 9.24 (converted) -- more than .6 better than his previous best and #10 on the all-time MSOE list. Chris was 3rd in 8.81, about a tenth off his best. Rachel got another 4-7 jump and finished 2nd, while Maia got a PR and 3rd place. Jordan looked good in his first HJ competition, clearing 5-7 for 3rd place in this meet where both the women's and men's teams finished 2nd.

Jess: 10.07c (1st) 7-2.5 (2nd) 29.9/33.8 63.7r (2nd)
Ben: 9.24c (2nd) 59.3r
Chris: 9.48c (3rd) 26.1/28.1 54.2r (1st)
Rachel: 4-7 (2nd =PR +#8 all time) 9 jumps - mid mark 22
Maia: 4-3.25 (3rd #13 all time) 14-5.75 (11th) 31/40 71.0r (HJ mid mark 19-7)
Jordan: 5-7 (3rd =#16 all time)
Des: 10.63c (4th) 31.8/37.2 69.0r
Collin: 5-3 (5th) 55.8r

Monday, January 23, 2017

Workouts:1/25, 1/24, 1/23

1/25 KC. Chris, Ben, Maia and Jess did hurdle training. Circles, swings, cycles, scorpions, stick switches, smashes, grabs, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 1-steps, power hurdles. Block starts over 1-2-3-3-2-1. Wicket runs out to H2 with women maxed at 6-0 and men at 6-6. Strength work: single-leg split squat jumps, kb swings, kb jump squats (with/without kb), double box drop followed by single box left and right, alternating box drive, kb suitcase carry, elevated push ups. Comments: Jess had another consistent session and focused on getting lead leg and trail leg working hard through the ground contact, Maia continued to work on her 8-step, which she did a few times. She did some 4-steppers off that. Chris 3.0 was in good form, just needing to get down off H1 a little better, which can be aided by taking off a bit further away. Ben continues his progress and had a couple of good reps. Still not consistent but his modifications have been good when focused.

1/24 KC. Rachel, Maia, Alex, Jordan and Collin warmed up, including takeoff skips, 3-point line runs, top of key "layups," pit bridges and backovers, 1/2-circle jumps, 6-step bungee jumps, 8 (or 10) step run throughs and then 8 jumps at moderate height (4-4 for women, 5-7 for men).

1/23 Pettit. Des, Jess, Maia and Chris were joined by Tyler, Devon, Patty and McCoy. Warm up included jacks, scorpions, dribbles, accel and pickup. 3x60 with walk remainder of lap recovery (~5 min). 3x150 with remainder of lap recovery (4-5 min). Men were coming through 18 to 20. Women 22 to 25. Walk/jog lap cool down, Wall stretches. Rachel did a circuit at the Kern after her class.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Workouts: 1/19, 1/18, 1/17, 1/16

1/19 KC. Some did circuit, some field events, and Rachel did a hurdle workout. Because she was ill, we stuck to drill work and focused on a tight lead leg fold. She did it well, including some higher speed 6-step power hurdles. Technically doing a lot of things well -- just need to bring more speed to it.

1/18 KC. Maia, Des, Jess and Ben trained. Des left for class at 5. A couple of deadlift sets and Russian boxes after jacks and hurdle mobility. Swings, cycles, scorpions, window posts, stick switches. Shuffle smashes and grabs. Dribbles. Hurdle drills: hangers, cut steps, 1/2 space hurdles (left and right), power hurdle into 1 steps of increasing distance (11 to 14'). We learned a few things there, but despite early struggles, everyone got through all, except Maia (and she got close). Speed work involved H1 starts. Maia worked with wickets but got all the way up to 33". Everyone ran some impressive times, especially in the last couple of the 5 reps. (Bests: Jess PR 2.10, Ben 2.05, Maia 2.28)

1/17 KC. Jordan joined the group, which tonight included Maia, Rachel and Collin (and Alex). Did a few warm up activities, some pit drills, some 6-step approach jumps and some 8-step approaches. Took a lot of jumps with bungee and a few with bar. Some with a ramp. Maia worked on a more consistent run up and plant angle, which she accomplished on many of her jumps. Rachel worked on a tighter wrap around the bar and more speed into takeoff. Collin worked on getting perpendicular to bar. Jordan worked on his run up. Everyone made some improvements. Jordan brought a lot speed to his jump and had some nice attempts around 5-8 but folded on most. Bar for women was set at 4-4.

1/16 Pettit. First trip to the PC for sprinters and hurdlers. Chris, McCoy, Devon, Tyler, Jess, Des, Patty, Kim, Maia and Ben. Warmed up with dribbles, scorpions, skips. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 100 at 400 pace. 8 min rest. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 150 at 400 pace. Cruise down lap -- 50m sprint, coast turn, jog back stretch, walk turn. Stretch.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Carthage: Jess, Chris make strong showing

1/14 Kenosha. Chris made a major improvement in hurdles, 4th finishing dropping about 3 tenths off his PR. His 55H PR of 8.70 converts to 9.37 for 60H, which moved him to =10 on MSOE's all-time 60H list. Jess was less than a tenth off her 60H converted PR, finishing 3rd in 9.40 in 55H (equal to 10.10). Also reaching the scoring column were Spencer in 55H and HJ, Ben in 55H, and Maia and Rachel in HJ. Rachel's 4-7 jump was =8 on all-time list.

Jess: 9.59/9.40 (3rd) 29.28 (9th)
Chris: 8.81/8.70 (PR 4th =#10 all time) 24.93 (10th)
Spencer: 8.93/8.86 (6th) 5-7 (7th) 27.24 (18th)
Rachel: 4-7 (PR 6th  =#8 all time)
Maia: 4-1.25 (7th #13 all time) 30.43 (16th) 13-11.5 (9th)
Ben: 9.16/9.59 (8th) 25.65 (13th)
Collin: 5-5 (10th)
Des: 10.20 (11th) 29.67 (12th)

Complete results

Monday, January 9, 2017

Workouts: 1/13, 1/12, 1/11, 1/10, 1/9

1/13 KC. Pre-meet shakeout. Jess, Spencer and Chris did a few block starts over 1 to 3 hurdles. Maia did starts without hurdles. Rachel also did some warm up. She also dominated Yahtzee on our first game night, scoring 268 points, and Spencer was runnerup with 171.

1/12 KC. Jess and Ben did sprinters' extensive tempo workout (horseshoes, medball, hurdle mobility). Rachel trained on her own and played some volleyball. Des came in later and did some hurdle work. Maia trained with jumps and throws. Spencer, Kim and Chris -- unknown.

1/11 KC. Jess, Maia, Des, Chris and Ben began with scorpions, deep breathing, swings, in-place pop-smash-grab series. Skipovers and power hurdles plus 1-steps. Worked mostly on arms but also somewhat on alignment and lead leg cycling. Pre-race prep rehearsal. Starts over 3. Got times on a few. Chris had 1.36, Jess 1.43. Des left before the speed reps. Strength series included goblet squats, step ups, swings, lunges, jump squats, box drops, push ups, hang cleans and push presses. Comments: Ben continued to show improvement with good acceleration and take off point and better than usual lead and trail leg on some reps. Getting elevation before the hurdle will be important as well as a more consistently tight trail leg. Chris had better than ever separation between lead and trail leg but still is floating off hurdles -- partly from a too close take off and partly from not cycling the lead leg. Still a bit too upright in, over and off the hurdles.  Maia struggled a little with the 8-step but late in the session, she was able to run all 8 hard and stay forward on entry and exit. Going to need to get trail leg out a bit more. Jess had a little inconsistency early and sometimes dropped the trail foot but ended with multiple strong reps over 3.

1/10 KC. Spencer, Collin, Maia and Rachel were joined by Alex for HJ. Started with circles, scorpions and deep breathing. Skips, accelerations. Bridges, backovers. 1/2 circle jumps. 6-step jumps and 8-step jumps. Lots of them. Worked only with low bungee to keep emphasis on mechanics and not bar. Mostly worked on staying away from bar by leaning into curve, but we addressed other issues individually. Everyone made some improvements. Maia was most consistent and had some nice jumps. Spencer had a short session because of class, but he also had some good efforts. Rachel had some good takeoffs but needs to get a little more inverted to get landings back on shoulders. Collin had his first session, so there was a lot to do. He did well getting off his heels and getting the 8-step worked out along with improvements in getting rotated in air and going perpendicular across bar. More to do there. Got heights and weights: Collin 6-2 1/8 162, Rachel 5-10 3/8 136, Maia 5-4 1/8 124, Spencer 6-3 1/8 205. 8-step approaches: Maia 36, Rachel 40, Collin 12 / 42.

1/9 KC. Pre-workout strength was jacks, hurdle mobility, 4x2 deadlifts followed by 3 hurdle hops. Swings, cycles, deep breathing, scorpions. 1-post knee pulls, toe and heel walks, over-knee walk. 2-post carioca, A and B skips, quick bound. 3-post over-knee jog to stride, straight leg to over knee run, over-knee pickup. 5-step hurdles (-3" and R), working on alignment, knee drive with fold entry and arm action. Worked more of the same with 4-step power hurdle and then with a 1-step added. 4xH1 (-3 and R) from 3-pt; 4x2H from block (all -3" and -1.5' for Kim and Jess, -2.5' for Des and Maia). Band work (in, out, lead, trail, knee drive, hip. forward, backward). Optional stretch / roll. Maia, Des, Jess, Kim, Chris, Ben and Spencer were on hand for this workout. Everyone did well hitting the takeoff point. Still a few issues with alignment, lead, trail and arms, but nothing major.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


1/7 Milwaukee, WI. Jess battled through the remnants of her food poisoning and posted at 10.86 -- a few tenths slower than her December debut, but a good effort considering her health. Des had a great start but balked on her 3-step to H2, slammed on the breaks and popped up for her clearance, 4-stepping the whole race (11.35). Ben ran 200 (26.11) and 400 (65.42 - 29.42 / 36). Maia ran 200 (30.70).

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Workouts: 1/5, 1/3

1/5 KC. Jess, Des, Maia, Kim and Ben were in for a hurdle workout. Rachel was having a hip issue and did some circuit training instead of hurdling. Jess was still feeling effects from her food poisoning on her trip to Germany, but she was able to get through the workout. Started with jacks, hurdle mobility and 3x3 deadlifts with each set followed by 5 quick on-off box jumps. Leg swings and scorpions were followed by dribbles, shuffle smash and shuffle grabs. Next, 3x 5-step hurdles and then power hurdles, some with a one-step. 3x 8-step wickets from falling start, 3x 8-step wickets over mini hurdle from 3 point, about 6x H1 without wickets from blocks, starting at -6" and then -3". Everyone did well with wickets, but once the wickets were removed, Maia often took 9 steps, Des sometimes stopped -- though both were hitting the takeoff point or near the takeoff point. Jess was consistent in hitting all the marks. Kim was, too, and got a little more aggressive on later reps and had some good ones. Maia eventually took off on 8, but leaned back a little on takeoff and nearly fell backward. Des was able to get 8s on her later reps. Ben was a little short on step 1 and little long on 2, but was pretty close to the takeoff point (a little long) and making good progress on the lead leg. Trail still loose more often than not. Considering the long break from hurling, everyone had a good session. Ended with 3 sets of 5 kb swings, 5 double box drops, 5 L+R single box drops, 10/15 push ups, 5 L+R kb eccentric deadlifts.

1/3 KC. Still on break, the only jumper was Alex, a 2015 grad, who came in for some Alumni Meet prep. Warmed up, worked out some steps (9 / 17-6 / 46), took a bunch of 6-step jumps and some 10-steps. Worked mostly around 4-4 or less. I took a few to give Alex some rest between attempts.