Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 5: 12/3, 12/1, 11/30

12/3 VF/KC. Went outside despite temps in mid- to low 30s. Joe, Chris and Des were early shifters. Kasey trained at 5 and Jess at 6. Warm up followed by an up/back progression and then 4x accelerations over 1H from about 20m. 4x4 laps, running 4H on long side, jogging short side, running diagonal, walking short side, sprinting 1H on half of long side, walk remainder for recovery. 4x4 reverse leg press, bench press, single-leg weighted back extensions. Jess did a modified version of the outdoor workout in KC (4x4 laps -- running 3H on one straight, jogging turn, running straight, walking turn). She finished with kb step ups, clap pushups, kb goblet squats. Stretching.

12/1 KC. All the early shifters were tested in SLJ and 3-hop (though some started off with more of a gallop). Best SLJs: Brad 9-1.25, Chris 8-.5, Kim 7-4.25, Kasey 7-.5, Jess 6-11.5, Des 6-9.25. Jess had to leave and couldn't test 3-hop. 3-hop bests: Brad 26-7.25, Chris 23-2.5, Des 20-7.5, Kasey 20-3.25, Kim 19-7. Spencer, Joe and Logan all were late shifters. Des returned later to finish circuit. Will try to test them Thursday. Hurdlers did circuit. Spencer, Brad and Kasey worked HJ: pit arches, backovers off boxes, short approach scissors jumps, short approach layouts, full run-throughs -- about 5-6x each. Full jumps at moderate height next week.

11/30 KC. Spencer, Brad, Jess, Kim, Chris were in at 4:15. Joe, Kasey and Des joined at 5. Warm up followed by 4x8-step wall drive, block review and 3-step block starts, cone hurdling and ultra low hurdling over H1, 2x30m timed accelerations from blocks. Best times: Joe 3.87, Spencer and Chris 4.10, Brad 4.13, Des 4.58, Jess 4.68, Kasey 4.71, Kim 4.81. Strength: 4x5 kb straddle squats, rows, swings plus 10x split jumps (some with 180s). Stretching. Everyone got 8 step to H1 (Spencer 7), though it took a few reps to get everyone there. Emphasis was on use of blocks and first three steps. Will focus more on H1 next time.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 4: 11/24

11/24 KC. Break week. Joe came in. Warm up. Accel: 8xH1 (low to 42). Conditioning: 4x2x4H walk back on reps, walk around on sets (39 -3), working mostly on posture and alignment. Strength: 2x5 medball 2-leg push, L+R single-leg push, reverse; 3x5 kb straddle squat, bb military press, tb deadlift. Stretch: quad, calf, hip, ham.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 3: 11/19, 11/18, 11/17, 11/16

11/19 KC. Brad and Joe did high hurdle training. Mitch did all the workout except the 3-step work at the end. After warm up 8x 3-pt starts 5 steps (4L, 4R). Slowlows. 3x4H 5-stp. 5x4H 3-step (-6" -4'). 4x5H tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats.

11/18 KC. Jess, Kim and Brad did high hurdle training. After warm up, 8x 3-pt starts out 5 steps. Four off right leg and four off left. Slowlows and then 4x4H (-6" -4'). 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats. Stretch/roll.

11/17 KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did a circuit. Brad and Kasey warmed up and did 10x HJ approaches -- some with U-turns, some with pop up. 10x net/rim jumps, 3x5 medball ups (double, single), 2x40-40-10-10 jump rope,

11/16 VF/KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did 400H workout on Viets. Warm up followed by 4x falling, hop and 3-pt starts, over 3, 4, 5 steps, respectively. Hurdling consisted of 4x running a long side with 4H, jogging a short side, running a diagonal, walking a short side and sprinting a 50 with 1H. Stretched. Inside strength work was 4x5 kb swings, kb rows, bb hang cleans. 5x L+R low to med box jumps (did some low to high box). Brad then went to horizontal jumps and Kasey to flexibility series.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 2: 11/13, 11/12, 11/10, 11/9

11/13 KC. KC Super Circuit, covering most of the building. 5x 1-minute cone turnover game with about 2 min recovery between sets.

11/12 KC. Warm up: circles, jax, fwd/bkw skips, A/B skips, straight-leg bounds, carioca, high knee march-jog-run. Accel: 4x falling (3-step), 3-pt (4), hop (5). H drills: cycles, stair post ups, 2-step power hurdles. Circuit: 4x 4H (-6" -4') - 10x kb swings - 5x bb clean&press - 10x Russian box - 10x lead and trail band pulls. Stretch.

11/10 VF/KC. Warm up: 30x jax, low walks, carioca, long skips, high skips, back runs, back skips, heel walk, single hops, hip thrust and flex series (bends, arches, bridges, abs). Semi-circle runs. Approach work: 1-step, 5-step, 10-step on straight. 10-step curve. Strength: bottom up squats, bb hang pull, plate halos. Spencer 10 / 6 / 29-6 / 62, Kasey 9 / 4-2 / 24-6 / 55, Brad 10 / 4-8 / 25 / 55

11/9 VF/KC. Circles; skips; hip circles, lifts and whips; Acceleration: wall drills 4x4 step L+R; 4x falling start L+R foot forward; 4x SLJ; Hurdle endurance: 3x100 (3 random 27s), walk endline, 150 diagonal, walk endline, 50 (1 random 27) -- walk around recovery between sets. Strength: 4x5 reverse leg press, bench press, single leg weighted back extension. Stretch.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 1: 11/2

11/2 VF/KC. Great weather with temps in the 60s and light breezes, so we were on Viets Field for most of the workout. Jess, Joe and Chris arrived late because of class, joining Spencer, Logan, Brad and Kim in progress. Warm up was followed by 8x8-step push up starts. Hurdle drills included lead and trail leg cycles, post ups, slow lows. Hurdle conditioning was 4x3x4H (27@24, 36@26) at relaxed speed with jog back on reps and walk down and back on sets. Inside strength work included 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses and kb split squats. Stretched calf, quad, ham, hip. Some good adjustments made by most as we look to improve technical model, conditioning and strength throughout the month. Logan suffered a slight ham pull on trail leg. Tough way to start the year.