Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 2 workouts

11/10 At VF/KC. Caught a break on weather with a nice, calm 50-degree evening, so we trained for 400H with Spencer, Joe, Chris, Matt, Kasey and Jessica. Women worked over 27s. Men over 27s for drills and 33 for high speed efforts. Started inside with some warm up and then deadlifts, depth jumps and push ups. Moved outside, did a couple strides and then some 4H jogovers, including some oppos. Did 4H power hurdle followed by 1-steppers. Changed to 3-steppers at 7 and 8 yard spacing (w/m). Then 2-steppers at 5- and 6-yard spacing. Worked mostly on stepping up, holding fold, running a straight line, accelerating into hurdles. Still some issues to resolve but everyone did well in trying to make adjustments -- some with more success than others -- but everyone got at least a little better and some quite a bit. For conditioning with a bit more speed, we did 4 laps of running 2 hurdles on long sides of soccer field with a jog recovery short side before running the second long side and then a walk recovery on the next short side before starting the next set. Went inside for a 2-set Greyhound strength series (lunge walk, hip thrust, single-leg deadlift) and then foam rolling.

11/11 At KC. High jumpers Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex were on hand. After set up and warm up, we did backovers off boxes and got marks and full approaches. Did some 6-step approaches to work on acceleration into plant and plant angle, which was somewhat a struggle because of negative and neutral plant angles. Moved to a 2-step approach to focus exclusively on plant angle, and we had better success there. Kasey and Spencer did 5x4 hurdle hops and flexibility series. Measured height and weight: Alex 5-7.75/154. Kasey 5-8/149. Jerome 6-6.25/198. Spencer 6-3/196. (Rounded to nearest 1/4 inch and pound)

11/13 At KC. Spencer, Matt, Chris and Jessica trained together on hurdles. Warmed up, deadlifted with box hops and push ups. Finished with sprint progression and hurdle jogovers and skipovers. Reviewed starting block technique, shot some video and worked to make some improvements before doing starts over hurdle one. At that point, we checked entry to the hurdle and found that everyone was reaching into the last step, which increases ground contact time. Did a few more reps to try to "step down" on the entry step to get a vertical shin angle while staying on ball of foot. Worked very low to try to get that to happen. Results were mixed but improving. More work on this next week. Went to weight room for single leg reverse leg press, calf raise and push press. Wall stretches. Measured height/weight for Matt 5-10.75/175, Jessica 5-4.5/136, Chris 5-8 3/4/130.

Chris could get a more vigorous arm split here, but he has good extension from the foot through spine. On subsequent step, head comes up too soon and the right leg goes off to the right of the lane with foot angled outward. Couple of things to work on next time.
While later starts where better, there was a lot of forward bend here, which detracted from full extension. Right foot is ahead of hip -- that's a blocking action that prevents Jessica from being able to apply much force in the direction she wants to go. Both arms pretty much were just pulled up off the ground -- not much power or split there. She adjusted this on later reps.
 Matt looks the best in this group of photos -- good arms, good extension. Wouldn't change a thing.
Spencer is bending at waist somewhat, but arms are good. With a 7-step start, he needs to push with great power on first three steps.

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