Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 3 workouts

11/17 KC. Joe and Chris trained at regular time. Spencer had foot issues, so he went to the trainer after warm up and lifting. Jessica came in later. After Cheetah series (deadlifts, box hops and push ups), we did skips and then the sprint progression. A couple practice starts were followed with timed 30s. Bests: Joe equaled his best ever with 3.89. No time on Chris. Jerome stopped by and posted a 4.28. Jessica ran 4.64. Joe and Chris did a set of 2H reps at 39 and 3H reps at 42, 5-stepping, before starts over H1 at increasing height. At regular height, Joe posted a start time of 2.15, Chris 2.19 and Jessica 2.21. Did another set of 2H at increasing spacing, timing splits. Joe had a PR 1.26, Chris 1.44 and Jessica 1.38. Very good marks for this early in the season. Ended with a Road Runner strength series (glute ham raise, Russian box and pull ups) and stretching, rolling.

Frame grabs to show entry step at the moment the foot touches the track. Here's Chris. Upper body nearly vertical (good) but shin is not vertical (should be). Foot is a shoe length beyond takeoff point. Getting that entry foot down more quickly would shorten that step and improve the shin angle.
Jessica is good here with position. Shin is vertical and upper body pushing forward into hurdle.  What's not good is taking off too close to hurdle -- about 3 shoe lengths. Worked on adjusting this later and made some improvements.
Matt is sitting back just slightly. In a good spot but similar to Chris, could get the entry foot down quicker, shortening the step and putting him a bit further away, which also would get the shin vertical.
Spencer is reaching a bit -- back on heel. Needs to stay on ball of foot and like Matt and Chris needs to get the entry foot down to be in better position to drive into the hurdle and get off that step faster.

This is optimum.

11/18 KC. Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex warmed up and then did 6-step scissors jumps and ramp jumps. Full run throughs and full jumps at low heights. Jerome jumped in 6-3 to 6-5 range, Spencer in 5-3 to 5-5 range, and Alex and Kasey in 4-1 to 4-3 range. Did 2x5 step ups, split squats and jump squats with kettlebells and then flexibility series with bends, bridges, arches and scorpions. Jump focus was on plant angle, speed in turn and consistent approaches.

11/20 KC. Jessica went home. Spencer rested his foot. Matt out with mono. So, Kasey, Joe and Chris warmed up, did a couple sets of strength work, some hurdle walkovers, skipovers and jogovers -- half oppo. A pickup and then 3x1H starts at regular 400H distance. Then, 7x3H at relative spacing, Kasey on 19, Chris on 17, Joe on 15 rhythm equivalent. 2x impala strength series in weight room: back extensions to work the glute/hamstring, one-arm rows and split jerks. Foam rolling. Rhythm work went well -- even did some reps oppo.

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