Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 1 workouts

11/3 KC/VF. Started day one with rotations, leg swings, jumping jacks, deadlifts, depth jumps and elevated push ups on the track. Went outside for 400H training. Joe, Chris, Matt, Ian and Jessica were on hand. We were blessed with warm (50s) temperatures and no wind out on the turf. Began with high knee jog to stride. Stride to sprint and an acceleration. Drills included marchovers, skipovers, jogovers on preferred and oppo. Up and backs at 15m and 25m followed. 4x75m with 3H randomly spaced. Ian and Jessica worked over 27s. Everyone else worked 33s. Addressed some technical issues. Focused mostly on alignment issues and stepping up with the lead leg and getting back down. Wall stretches. Good session with some quality reps that helped knock off some hurdling rust.

11/4 KC.  First high jump practice had Spencer, Alex, Kasey (arrived later), Jerome (left early). Warm up included rotations, leg swings, jumping jacks, squat jacks and depth jumps. A skip, B skip, back skip, straight leg bound, side slide, carioca and takeoff skips. Used jump mat to get some vertical jump benchmarks. Bests: Spencer 34.8, Jerome 32, Kasey 21.2, Alex 19.8. Moved downstairs for tennis ball dunks or net slaps with some off a tight curve, 10-step accelerations, 10-step Js. Medball throws were 5x slam with vertical push, single leg push, scoop, hop toss and overhead. Flexibility work: 2x10 bridges, arches, bends, scorpions.

11/6  KC. High hurdle practice for Spencer, Matt, Chris, Joe and Jessica. Warm up then Cheetah strength series (deads, depth jumps and elevated push ups) along with vertical jumps. Bests: Spencer 33.2, Joe 27.6, Chris 25.7, Jessica 23.8. Continued with hurdle warm up, including high-knee jog to stride and stride to sprint. Trail leg pull throughs on rail. Marchovers, skipovers and jogovers. 4x3 5-step (27/39). 3-point starts over H1 were next, working primarily on stride pattern and accelerating into and through very low hurdles. Wall stretches. Some did Springbok strength series (step ups, split squats, jump squats).

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