Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Workouts: 3/4, 3/5

3/4 At KC. Nate and Jerome warmed up and took some jumps with bungee bar. Moved Jerome out to 15 feet to get the takeoff point nearer the standard and jump at midpoint of bar. Took jumps at 6-5, 6-7 and 6-9. Worked back down to 6-6 and got a bunch of backovers off a high box to work on rotation. Also worked that off a low ramp and 4-step approach, working on rolling it over. Also did some backflips in pit, also working on ability to get inverted -- all to help with rotation at end of clearance. Nate took his jumps in the 6-2 to 6-3 range. Joe did a pre-event warm up then worked H1 to H4 and then H4 back to H1. Worked on bent arms, quick lead, full trail.

3/5 At KC. Joe and Jerome did the following: circles and swings; 3x50 jump rope; 3x4 deadlift (230#); 3x4 bench/incline press; 3x8 speed jerk. Stretch and roll.

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