Monday, March 17, 2014

Workouts: 3/17, 3/18, 3/19, 3/21

3/17 At KC. Nate, Joe, Logan, Mike, Kasey and Nathalie did 400H training early, and Annika and Holly did the same workout later. Started with circles, swings and hurdle mobility (over/under, alternating walkovers, skipovers). High-knee march, jog, stride into hurdle about 30m out. High-knee acceleration into one hurdle at about 20 meters. 2x5x3H at relative spacing for 15-17-19-step equivalents. Rest was remainder of lap -- about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. Rested about 5 min between sets. Did 30 hurdles at lower heights and closer spacing, mostly oppo. Did Gazelle strength set twice (kettlebells). Stretched, rolled. Nate, Kasey, Nathalie and Annika worked 19-step; Holly, Mike and Logan 17; and Joe 15.

3/18 At KC. Kasey, Alex, Mollie, Mike, Jerome and Brad all jumped tonight. Pre-comp warm up was followed with some backovers off boxes. Short approach jumps followed -- a few with scissors, a few with layout. Worked on a couple key elements: leaning into curve and away from bar and driving knee to bar height. Moved Jerome out to 14 feet. Moved Alex closer by a foot. Mike stayed with short approaches to avoid hurting achilles. Kasey and Mollie had some good jumps before leaving for class. Alex made the adjustment on her approach and had some good jumps late in session after some early ones where she was diving into bar. Brad worked on finishing his jumps with an extended layout and landing on shoulders -- and gradually got there. Jerome had some inconsistency early but had some nice jumps later in session. Mike's short approach jumps had great rotation around bar. Jerome, Alex and Brad did some single-leg box jumps to close out the night.

3/19 At KC. Joe, Brad, Mollie and Nathalie did a Cheetah strength set and then a couple pickups and acceleration. 2x flys (bests: Brad 8.67mps, Mollie and Nathalie 7.66, Joe nt), 2x30 accel (bests: Brad 4.21, Joe 3.92, Mollie 4.74, Nathalie 4.65). Warm up hurdles over H1 (-3" R). Timed block starts over H1 (bests: Brad 2.23, Joe 2.15, Mollie 2.31, Nathalie 2.24). Timed splits over 3H (bests: Brad 1.50, Mollie 1.47, Nathalie 1.45, Joe 1.30). Finished with two Springbok strength sets. At 6 p.m., Jana, Holly and Annika checked in. All were sore from earlier workouts or injured (Jana), so we scrapped the hurdling and went to rowing and lifting.

3/21 At KC. Annika and Jana trained at 6 p.m. Did a Cheetah strength set. Next, a couple pickups and accelerations. Tried a fly, but we needed new batteries. Instead, we did walkovers, skipovers and jogovers. Then, we did a standing H1 start at 27, 3 pt 30 and block 33 (Jana at 30). Did 3 more starts over 2H -- Annika at 33 and Jana at 30. Both had very good reps, alignment, posture all were good. Annika still needs some work on right lead but the left leads were much better. Jana got through the workout without problems on her previously injured hip flexor. Finished with 3x4H up/back hurdles at 30 (-2'). Foam rolled.

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