Monday, March 10, 2014

Workouts: 3/10, 3/11, 3/12

3/10  At KC. Rolled, circled and swung before a strength series of deadlifts, depth jumps, push ups and walkovers. Tried to go out to soccer field but a locked door kept us out. Still quite wet out there anyway, but it would have been good to be out on the first nice day in more than three months. So, we went inside and did up and back hurdles, and oppo hurdles. Our early group had Mike, Logan, Joe, Nate, Nathalie and Kasey. Later, Holly and then Annika. Later group did a few hurdle drills, including some power hurdles and quick 3s over 2 more hurdles before the up and backs. Finished with rolling/stretching.

3/11 At KC. Focus tonight in drill work was reverse flips and then backovers with rollovers. Moved into several scissors jumps from 4-step and then 4-step with layout, working to get the same vertical emphasis that was required in the scissors. Full run throughs were next and then full jumps, mostly with bungee, though Jerome and Alex took some with a regular bar late in session. Kasey had a good session, with consistent approaches and takeoffs, and good rotation around the bar. Probably bending toward bar a bit too much on takeoff but the takeoff leg was vertical, so jumps were still good. Madeline still pushing into bar quite a bit. Will need to get takeoff a bit closer and work to push up and not in on takeoff. Mollie and Alex both worked on improving knee drive to bar height, which greatly improved heel tuck and rotation around bar. Brad's approach, takeoff and layout all showed improvement, but the layout needs to be maintained longer to avoid folding on the bar. Jerome took all of his jumps in 6-6 to 6-8 range and started to zero in on his technique late in the session.

3/12 At KC. Joe, Nathalie and Mollie trained at our regular time, doing mobility and strength work before doing a technical workout consisting of block starts with video study. Worked into H1 and H2 at low heights. Did 4x4H at 30 (36 for Joe). Finished with some kettlebell work. Our objectives were to make some technical improvements and improve strength and conditioning. Everyone did some good work on all fronts. Annika, Brad and Holly worked the late shift. We spent more time on the technical work and didn't do the 4x4s or kettlebells. Still a good session, though, as we had a lot of high quality reps where we worked on improving block starts, hurdle entries and clearance technique. Foam rolled and stretched.

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