Monday, March 24, 2014

Workouts: 3/24, 3/25, 3/26

3/24 At KC. Would have been nice to be outside but with temperatures near freezing, we stayed inside to do as much as we could inside the Kern confines. Started with rolling, circles and swings before 2 Cheetah sets. Women lifted 180, men 300. Did a couple warm up pickups and accels and then right into 3x block starts over H1 at regular spacing (-3"). Average time: Mike 7.1, Joe 7.0, Logan 7.0, Kasey 8.2, Nathalie 8.2, Annika 8.4, Jana 8.4, Holly 7.9. Joe was on target time. Logan and Mike a tenth or two too fast. Kasey, Nathalie, Jana and Annika several tenths too fast. Holly probably is about right, but we don't have much to base that on. 3x2H at regular spacing (-3"). Average time: Mike 4.6, Joe 4.5, Logan 4.8, Kasey 5.8, Nathalie 5.6, Annika 6.2, Jana 6.2, Holly 5.1. Mike, Joe, Kasey, Annika and Jana were on target. Logan a couple tenths slow. Holly maybe too quick -- won't know until we get a race. 3x3H at relative spacing -- most held the rhythm -- Kasey sometimes added a step on H3. Ended with 3x2H at random spacing. Foam rolled. Pace targets were 58 for Joe, 59 for Logan, 61 for Mike, 70 for Holly, 75 for Nathalie and Kasey, 80 for Jana and Annika. Brian suffered a strain in over/unders during warm up. Jana hurt her lower leg on her first rep over H1. She ran a few more before shutting down for the day. Nate was absent.

3/25 At KC. High jumpers did some good work today. Alex, Kasey, Mollie, Madeline, Brad, Jerome and Mike all jumped. We worked from opening height and then 2 up on makes and 1 down on misses. Jerome had a 6-7 clearance, equal to his best-ever practice jump. Mollie made a 4-8 bar. Everyone else had good jumps, too, making some good adjustments along the way.

3/26 At KC. Brad, Joe, Mollie and Nathalie worked high hurdles. Started with a 2-set Cheetah strength series (200/290... 180/270) some stride drills, pickups, accels and then 4x3H 1/2 space drill. Falling start H1, 3-pt H2, block H3 and block H4. Brad and Joe each had an H3 stumble and took a re-do. Brad got his trail work working better and Joe showed good consistency and quickness aside from the one stumble. After the speed hurdles, we moved into endurance-focused reps with 3x4H up/back (-3" and in a bit on later return trips). 2 sets of Gazelle strength (kettlebells). Foam rolling. Later, Holly did a similar workout, though we took some time to work on trail leg improvements. Trail leg had been loose, so we worked to tighten that up and then apply it in some faster reps as well as the up and backs. Holly was able to make the fix and incorporate that on some of the hurdles, and later she had an up and back rep where she was able to do it well for all the hurdles. Here are before/after video frame grabs showing how she was able to tighten the trail leg:

Here is the loose trail leg -- foot out and way as lead leg touches down. Arm swings out wide to balance off the weight that is extending out to the side. Shoulders also rotate to help counter the loose trail leg, and the trail side arm's wide path and straight arm also contribute to pulling that shoulder back leading to the twist at touchdown.
Later, we shot this touchdown frame where you can see a higher trail knee and better heel tuck. Big improvement. Shoulders are squared better here, too, as a result of the tighter trail. Lead leg here is angled to middle instead of staying on white line, which we lined up with the right-side hurdle marking to get a straight line into and off the hurdle. You can see the hip over that mark but the foot off line. This off balance position also creates problems, but our focus tonight was on trail leg improvement to allow better position for force application as the trail leg drives down into the getaway step.

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