Monday, March 31, 2014

Workouts: 3/31, 4/1, 4/2

3/31 At MU. Warmed up and did a 2-set strength series in KC and then went to MU for 400H training with Jana, Annika, Kasey, Nathalie, Holly, Joe, Logan and Brian. Mike and Nate were missing. Started with an up/back progression (15-25-35 yards). 3x5H at race pace with 8 min recovery. Everyone was on target or a bit fast on the first rep. Logan and Brian were on target for rep 2 and the rest were mostly within a half second or so. Rep 3, a few were a second or more slower than target -- likely from having run the first rep too fast. Ended with 3x3H on turn with a walk across recovery. Stretched. Tough workout totaling nearly 1,000 meters of hurdling -- more than half at race speed.

4/1 At KC. Kasey, Madeline, Mollie and Alex jumped early. Joe, Brad and Jerome jumped late. Did some high-box backovers, 4-step scissors, layout and ramp jumps. Full approach RTs and jumps.

4/2 At KC. First group was Joe, Nathalie, Mollie and Brad. Holly and Nate came in around 5, and then Jana and Annika around 6. After loosening up, we did a Cheetah set, some strides, pickups and accels, some hurdle drills and then 4x2H and 2x4H (some down and in, some at regular height). Joe worked on trail leg, Nathalie on bent arms, Mollie on speed of attack and Brad worked on trail leg and takeoff point, making some good improvements on taking off further away and finishing the trail leg higher. Nate worked on "elbows and knees" and made some major improvements in his technique as a result. His workout was 400H style, working 19-step relative space for 10 reps. Holly did the same workout as the others but did a few extra reps to work on keeping the trail leg tight, improving knee drive into hurdle and staying off heels. Annika had some good reps and is getting more consistent alignment, especially on the preferred leg. Oppo could use more work to avoid arms going outward rather than forward and backward. Jana still suffers from a sore leg but made some progress on lead leg cut down. 2x Greyhound dumbbell series ended the workout.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

North Park: Joe sweeps hurdles; lots of hurdle and high jump scoring

3/30 At Chicago. Temperatures in the 30s and a chilly headwind were the biggest barriers in the hurdles. Joe won the 110H (16.36) and later took the longer event (57.41) for a double win. Joe was named NACC male TF athlete of week. Brad was 5th in the 110H (19.64). In the 400H, Logan was 5th, just .02 off his PR with a 61.19, Mike 7th (64.24) and Nate 9th (77.12). Joe's 400H splits: 6.6 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.1 (reached for H6) 5.5 (added 2 steps here and rest of way) 5.7 5.9 6.2.

The women's hurdles also showed strength. Holly was 2nd in the 400H, running the 2nd fastest time in MSOE history with 72.02). Nathatlie was 8th, just off her PR with (78.35) and Kasey 11th (80.64). In the 100H, Holly was 4th (18.48 #7 all time), Nathalie 5th (18.65) and Mollie 8th (18.93).

In men's HJ, Jerome notched another win (6-4.75) and Mike was 4th (6-0.75). In women's HJ, Kasey was 6th, equaling her PR (4-7 =#6 all time), Mollie 8th (4-5) and Alex 9th (4-5). In other events: Logan 100 (11.99), Brian 1500 (4:17.91), Madeline PV (8-0.5), Mollie LJ (13-3.25), Holly TJ (32-9.75) JT (68-4), Brad JT (132-1).

Complete results

Friday, March 28, 2014

Why they die at end of race. Conditioning? Ah, no.

I attend a lot of track meets. Youth, high school, collegiate, masters. You hear a lot of crazy stuff. Some of it makes my head explode.

Most of if happens in the 200 and 400 races as well as hurdles. Often, when a kid gets run down at the end of a 200 or 400, I hear coaches, parents or athletes say, it's lack of conditioning, and they need to work on that. Typically, that gets translated as aerobic or interval work. Don't get me wrong here, conditioning (work capacity) is important, but it isn't for the reason lots of kids, parents and coaches think. You need it mostly to be able to do more high quality work in practice and to help your body recover more quickly. And most of that is best done in the off season or preseason.

Even around MSOE, I hear things like: "I need to get in better shape," or "When can we do some intervals?" or "Why aren't we doing more longer sprints?"

When someone "dies" at the end of a 200 or 400, there's the knee jerk reaction to what's needed without understanding the key elements involved in optimizing sprint performance. Working hard is good, but it needs to be on the right things at the right times.

The whats and whens are readily available from coaches' education programs of track and field organizations across the planet. They aren't new and aren't secrets.

While conditioning is part of the equation in 400 training, getting run down in a 400 or 200 are more likely attached to the three concepts below:

If the anaerobic energy system is not adequately developed, athletes often decelerate rapidly at the end of their race. This is frequently the cause in the 400 and sometimes in the 200 (never the 100). In a nutshell, when coaches do too much aerobic and interval work and not enough acceleration, top-end speed, specific endurance, strength or power work, sprinters fail to develop the qualities required to be successful in the sprint events. Most sprinters, even 400 sprinters, don't need more high-volume, low-intensity intervals. They need more work at or faster than race pace to develop the energy system needed to run fast longer. That includes longer sprints and intervals at times but near race speed to help execute a race plan that properly distributes speed and effort for 400 meters.

After operating at top speeds for more than a few seconds, your motor control systems start to fail and efficient movement patterns fall apart. You often see this at the end of shorter sprint events and sooner in the 400. Coordination development is done in many ways -- hurdle mobility, plyometrics, sprinting, strength work, stride drills, med ball, etc. Doing all of those actions precisely (well coordinated) helps develop that biomotor skill that will help deliver and maintain speed.

This really means having a good drive phase. Once the gun goes off, poor sprinters react in a panic, just getting out of blocks as quickly as possible, using whatever technique feels most natural. Unfortunately, what feels natural often is garbage. So they throw the head up, move the lead arm about 4 inches, bend at the waist, step out of the blocks and start turning over as rapidly as possible, often stumbling. When that happens, they "shift gears" too quickly, getting out fast but never reaching top speed because they failed to build momentum, and that leads to premature deceleration, which is why they get run down at the end. Acceleration is always an important part of good sprint training. Sometimes, you have to give up a quicker start for a faster race. Fast sprinting requires the ability to express large amounts of strength and power throughout a race, and the most strength and power is needed at the start.

Along with conditioning, there are some other factors worth mention, such as strength, nutrition, hydration, rest and others, which all contribute to performance that help avoid getting "run down." However, energy, coordination and momentum are the main factors needed to reach top speed and maintain it for a good finish -- and a good race. You need enough reps in practice at appropriate velocities and intensities to allow these skills to be performed well in competition.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Workouts: 3/24, 3/25, 3/26

3/24 At KC. Would have been nice to be outside but with temperatures near freezing, we stayed inside to do as much as we could inside the Kern confines. Started with rolling, circles and swings before 2 Cheetah sets. Women lifted 180, men 300. Did a couple warm up pickups and accels and then right into 3x block starts over H1 at regular spacing (-3"). Average time: Mike 7.1, Joe 7.0, Logan 7.0, Kasey 8.2, Nathalie 8.2, Annika 8.4, Jana 8.4, Holly 7.9. Joe was on target time. Logan and Mike a tenth or two too fast. Kasey, Nathalie, Jana and Annika several tenths too fast. Holly probably is about right, but we don't have much to base that on. 3x2H at regular spacing (-3"). Average time: Mike 4.6, Joe 4.5, Logan 4.8, Kasey 5.8, Nathalie 5.6, Annika 6.2, Jana 6.2, Holly 5.1. Mike, Joe, Kasey, Annika and Jana were on target. Logan a couple tenths slow. Holly maybe too quick -- won't know until we get a race. 3x3H at relative spacing -- most held the rhythm -- Kasey sometimes added a step on H3. Ended with 3x2H at random spacing. Foam rolled. Pace targets were 58 for Joe, 59 for Logan, 61 for Mike, 70 for Holly, 75 for Nathalie and Kasey, 80 for Jana and Annika. Brian suffered a strain in over/unders during warm up. Jana hurt her lower leg on her first rep over H1. She ran a few more before shutting down for the day. Nate was absent.

3/25 At KC. High jumpers did some good work today. Alex, Kasey, Mollie, Madeline, Brad, Jerome and Mike all jumped. We worked from opening height and then 2 up on makes and 1 down on misses. Jerome had a 6-7 clearance, equal to his best-ever practice jump. Mollie made a 4-8 bar. Everyone else had good jumps, too, making some good adjustments along the way.

3/26 At KC. Brad, Joe, Mollie and Nathalie worked high hurdles. Started with a 2-set Cheetah strength series (200/290... 180/270) some stride drills, pickups, accels and then 4x3H 1/2 space drill. Falling start H1, 3-pt H2, block H3 and block H4. Brad and Joe each had an H3 stumble and took a re-do. Brad got his trail work working better and Joe showed good consistency and quickness aside from the one stumble. After the speed hurdles, we moved into endurance-focused reps with 3x4H up/back (-3" and in a bit on later return trips). 2 sets of Gazelle strength (kettlebells). Foam rolling. Later, Holly did a similar workout, though we took some time to work on trail leg improvements. Trail leg had been loose, so we worked to tighten that up and then apply it in some faster reps as well as the up and backs. Holly was able to make the fix and incorporate that on some of the hurdles, and later she had an up and back rep where she was able to do it well for all the hurdles. Here are before/after video frame grabs showing how she was able to tighten the trail leg:

Here is the loose trail leg -- foot out and way as lead leg touches down. Arm swings out wide to balance off the weight that is extending out to the side. Shoulders also rotate to help counter the loose trail leg, and the trail side arm's wide path and straight arm also contribute to pulling that shoulder back leading to the twist at touchdown.
Later, we shot this touchdown frame where you can see a higher trail knee and better heel tuck. Big improvement. Shoulders are squared better here, too, as a result of the tighter trail. Lead leg here is angled to middle instead of staying on white line, which we lined up with the right-side hurdle marking to get a straight line into and off the hurdle. You can see the hip over that mark but the foot off line. This off balance position also creates problems, but our focus tonight was on trail leg improvement to allow better position for force application as the trail leg drives down into the getaway step.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Workouts: 3/17, 3/18, 3/19, 3/21

3/17 At KC. Nate, Joe, Logan, Mike, Kasey and Nathalie did 400H training early, and Annika and Holly did the same workout later. Started with circles, swings and hurdle mobility (over/under, alternating walkovers, skipovers). High-knee march, jog, stride into hurdle about 30m out. High-knee acceleration into one hurdle at about 20 meters. 2x5x3H at relative spacing for 15-17-19-step equivalents. Rest was remainder of lap -- about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. Rested about 5 min between sets. Did 30 hurdles at lower heights and closer spacing, mostly oppo. Did Gazelle strength set twice (kettlebells). Stretched, rolled. Nate, Kasey, Nathalie and Annika worked 19-step; Holly, Mike and Logan 17; and Joe 15.

3/18 At KC. Kasey, Alex, Mollie, Mike, Jerome and Brad all jumped tonight. Pre-comp warm up was followed with some backovers off boxes. Short approach jumps followed -- a few with scissors, a few with layout. Worked on a couple key elements: leaning into curve and away from bar and driving knee to bar height. Moved Jerome out to 14 feet. Moved Alex closer by a foot. Mike stayed with short approaches to avoid hurting achilles. Kasey and Mollie had some good jumps before leaving for class. Alex made the adjustment on her approach and had some good jumps late in session after some early ones where she was diving into bar. Brad worked on finishing his jumps with an extended layout and landing on shoulders -- and gradually got there. Jerome had some inconsistency early but had some nice jumps later in session. Mike's short approach jumps had great rotation around bar. Jerome, Alex and Brad did some single-leg box jumps to close out the night.

3/19 At KC. Joe, Brad, Mollie and Nathalie did a Cheetah strength set and then a couple pickups and acceleration. 2x flys (bests: Brad 8.67mps, Mollie and Nathalie 7.66, Joe nt), 2x30 accel (bests: Brad 4.21, Joe 3.92, Mollie 4.74, Nathalie 4.65). Warm up hurdles over H1 (-3" R). Timed block starts over H1 (bests: Brad 2.23, Joe 2.15, Mollie 2.31, Nathalie 2.24). Timed splits over 3H (bests: Brad 1.50, Mollie 1.47, Nathalie 1.45, Joe 1.30). Finished with two Springbok strength sets. At 6 p.m., Jana, Holly and Annika checked in. All were sore from earlier workouts or injured (Jana), so we scrapped the hurdling and went to rowing and lifting.

3/21 At KC. Annika and Jana trained at 6 p.m. Did a Cheetah strength set. Next, a couple pickups and accelerations. Tried a fly, but we needed new batteries. Instead, we did walkovers, skipovers and jogovers. Then, we did a standing H1 start at 27, 3 pt 30 and block 33 (Jana at 30). Did 3 more starts over 2H -- Annika at 33 and Jana at 30. Both had very good reps, alignment, posture all were good. Annika still needs some work on right lead but the left leads were much better. Jana got through the workout without problems on her previously injured hip flexor. Finished with 3x4H up/back hurdles at 30 (-2'). Foam rolled.

DIII Nationals: Jerome finishes 10th

3/15 At Lincoln, Neb. Checked in about 8 a.m., warmed up at 9 a.m. and competed at 10 a.m. Opening height was 6-4.25. Cleared that on first attempt. Cleared 6-6.25 on second attempt. Cleared 6-8.25 on third attempt. Had two very close attempts at 6-9.75 (first two jumps), over but folded on it. One less miss at any height would have put him in the top 8. Top 3 were 6-11 or better, but 4 through 10 all jumped 6-8.25. So close.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Workouts: 3/10, 3/11, 3/12

3/10  At KC. Rolled, circled and swung before a strength series of deadlifts, depth jumps, push ups and walkovers. Tried to go out to soccer field but a locked door kept us out. Still quite wet out there anyway, but it would have been good to be out on the first nice day in more than three months. So, we went inside and did up and back hurdles, and oppo hurdles. Our early group had Mike, Logan, Joe, Nate, Nathalie and Kasey. Later, Holly and then Annika. Later group did a few hurdle drills, including some power hurdles and quick 3s over 2 more hurdles before the up and backs. Finished with rolling/stretching.

3/11 At KC. Focus tonight in drill work was reverse flips and then backovers with rollovers. Moved into several scissors jumps from 4-step and then 4-step with layout, working to get the same vertical emphasis that was required in the scissors. Full run throughs were next and then full jumps, mostly with bungee, though Jerome and Alex took some with a regular bar late in session. Kasey had a good session, with consistent approaches and takeoffs, and good rotation around the bar. Probably bending toward bar a bit too much on takeoff but the takeoff leg was vertical, so jumps were still good. Madeline still pushing into bar quite a bit. Will need to get takeoff a bit closer and work to push up and not in on takeoff. Mollie and Alex both worked on improving knee drive to bar height, which greatly improved heel tuck and rotation around bar. Brad's approach, takeoff and layout all showed improvement, but the layout needs to be maintained longer to avoid folding on the bar. Jerome took all of his jumps in 6-6 to 6-8 range and started to zero in on his technique late in the session.

3/12 At KC. Joe, Nathalie and Mollie trained at our regular time, doing mobility and strength work before doing a technical workout consisting of block starts with video study. Worked into H1 and H2 at low heights. Did 4x4H at 30 (36 for Joe). Finished with some kettlebell work. Our objectives were to make some technical improvements and improve strength and conditioning. Everyone did some good work on all fronts. Annika, Brad and Holly worked the late shift. We spent more time on the technical work and didn't do the 4x4s or kettlebells. Still a good session, though, as we had a lot of high quality reps where we worked on improving block starts, hurdle entries and clearance technique. Foam rolled and stretched.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Carthage: Joe and Jerome get top 5 finishes

3/7  Joe closed out his outstanding indoor season with 8.08/7.99 55H races, finishing 5th. Jerome finished 2nd, clearing 6-6 in HJ. Tried moving the approach out a couple of feet to get the takeoff nearer the standard and clearance at the lowest point of bar. Seemed to affect the run up an plant, though, maybe trying to "navigate" to the "programmed" takeoff point. Still worth pursuing this, but this will be tabled until after the national meet.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Workouts: 3/4, 3/5

3/4 At KC. Nate and Jerome warmed up and took some jumps with bungee bar. Moved Jerome out to 15 feet to get the takeoff point nearer the standard and jump at midpoint of bar. Took jumps at 6-5, 6-7 and 6-9. Worked back down to 6-6 and got a bunch of backovers off a high box to work on rotation. Also worked that off a low ramp and 4-step approach, working on rolling it over. Also did some backflips in pit, also working on ability to get inverted -- all to help with rotation at end of clearance. Nate took his jumps in the 6-2 to 6-3 range. Joe did a pre-event warm up then worked H1 to H4 and then H4 back to H1. Worked on bent arms, quick lead, full trail.

3/5 At KC. Joe and Jerome did the following: circles and swings; 3x50 jump rope; 3x4 deadlift (230#); 3x4 bench/incline press; 3x8 speed jerk. Stretch and roll.

Monday, March 3, 2014

NACC: Jerome sets conference mark, Joe gets 55H title, many get PRs

3/1  At Carthage. Jerome won a high-flying competition, having to make a PR 6-10.25 (SR, CR) to get the win. Mike cleared 6-4, just .75 off his PR, to get 6th in a talented field. Particularly remarkable because he had been limited lately by a nagging ankle/achilles injury. Mollie got a 4-7.5 jump, which tied for 7th, and had some good efforts at 4-9.5. Also jumping well were Kasey and Alex, who made 4-5.5 and had good attempts at PR heights. Madeline jumped 4-3.5.

In 55H, Joe ran 8.11/7.97 to win his first NACC hurdle title. Brad ran a PR 8.90/9.03 for 6th. Nathalie ran a PR 9.82/9.89 (#4 all time) for 8th, and Mollie a PR 9.94/10.27 for 9th. Annika dropped another large chunk of time, clocking a PR 10.68.

Complete results

Jerome's winning jump

Mollie and Nathalie in first section of hurdle final

Joe's hurdle win