Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Workouts: 2/4, 2/5, 2/6

2/4 At KC. Alex, Mollie, Jana, Annika, Brad and Jerome practiced HJ. Took a couple jumps at opening heights (4-2 for women, 5-1 for Brad, 6-2 for Jerome). After starting height, we moved up a couple inches on makes and down an inch on misses but never going below the opening heights. Women all worked on staying away from bar and getting vertical (not jumping toward bar). Alex had some nice jumps, clearing a 4-5 bar by a few inches. Mollie had some nice jumps, too, including one at 4-6. Jana made a 4-4 bar. Annika didn't make any bars but made some progress on going vertical and rotating before layout. Still was backing into bar and folding on it. Brad had a clearance around 5-4 and a near miss at 5-7. Jerome made three jumps at 6-5 and had several jumps at 6-6 and 6-7 that were close, attacking the plant with speed and aggressiveness. Plant angle was parallel, which isn't quite what we wanted. Also worked on holding the top longer, getting mixed results there. Still, the approach has been consistent and aggressive, which is 90% of any good jump.

2/5 At KC. Jana left with a hip flexor issue. Kasey was ill. Mollie had an academic conflict. That left Brad, Joe, Nathalie and Annika. Did some rotations, hip mobility and 2x strength series ( 5x 290/190 or 180 deadlifts, 2x20 Russian box jumps, 2x6 walkovers, 2x10 elevated push ups). Leg swings and foam rolling followed and then 4x6 reactive hurdles with a mix of 1-step (15/12) (30/27) and 3-step (27/24)(36/30) segments. 4x2H (regular height -1 for H2). 4x2 (with H2 pulled out for 7- or 8-step at -3). 4x4H (-6" -2'). Foam rolling. Good workout with a lot of variety and high-speed segments. None of it was slow. Some fast, some quick. Had some good hand time splits at race pace or faster. Joe had some splits faster than 1.1.

2/6 At KC. Worked on 4x4 exchanges with Annika, Nathalie, Kathryn and Mollie. Did some block work with Kathryn and Mollie. Mollie also did some 2H starts (33 -1) and 4H sets (-2 30).

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