Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Workouts: 2/18, 2/19, 2/20

2/18  At KC. Jerome, Brad, Kasey, Mollie, Alex and Madeline all jumped. Mike (ankle) and Jana (hip flexor) out with injuries. After warm up, we focused on error corrections using ramp jumps and later full approach jumps. For all the women, we worked to stay away from the bar to jump up rather than across. Madeline and Mollie also worked on lead knee drive and lower leg tuck. Jerome worked on plant angle and staying back longer at the top. Brad made some good improvements, driving the lead knee up and keeping it up to set up a better rotation around the bar than he had been getting. Still needs to get inverted more consistently after hitting the top, but he had some good jumps tonight.

2/19 At KC. Nathalie, Annika, Joe and Brad's workout included a 2-set strength series with 5x deadlift (200/300), high skip / long skip, hurdle mobility and elevated push ups. Drill work was 6x 4-step power + 1 3/4-step. Starts over 1-2-3-4 and then a few extra reps -- hurdler's choice. Foam rolled. Worked on some error correction. Brad on getting lead leg down, Joe on trail leg finish and arm movement, Annika on arm bend and knee drive into hurdles, Nathalie on better and more consistent speed into H1 and H2. Hand split times for Joe were around 1.2. Brad's best reps were around 1.3. Nathalie was a bit under 1.4 to 1.45. Annika ranged from 1.45 to 1.60.

2/20 At KC. Mollie loosened up and then did a strength series that included some sumo style straight bar deadlifts at 180#. Did some power hurdles +1 3-step and then starts over 1-2-3-4, as done the day before with the other group. She also did a few extra reps at 4 and fewer. Had a number of splits around 1.45 but then crushed one near 1.3 right at the end, showing what she can do at her best.

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