Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Workouts: 2/11, 2/12

2/11 At KC. Jana, Kasey, Mollie, Alex, Jerome and Brad all jumped. After warm up, we had about 6 ramp jumps from 4-step and then a similar number of scissors jumps to work on getting vertical before layout. Took about 8 to 12 full jumps (Alex and Jana less, Alex leaving for class and Jana because of hip flexor injury). Full jumps started with a couple around opening height (4-2, 5-2, 6-2, respectively) and then up a couple of inches for a couple more jumps and then up a couple more inches for a few more. We moved back down for a couple additional jumps late in the session. Had some strong jumps at some sizable bars.

2/12 At KC. Kasey, Mollie, Annika, Nathalie, Joe and Brad loosened up and then did a strength series. Women did 180 to 200 on DLs, men 300. Couple sets of 5. Also did 20x Russian boxes, 10x elevated pushups and hurdle walkovers. Followed with stride-jog-pickup-walkback-accel. Falling start over H1, 3-pt start to H2 and block start to H3. About 5 minutes of individualized warm up and then starts over 1-2-3-4 all on regular spacing with first two at race height and the final two at -3". Foam rolled. Well-focused workout with good quality throughout.

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